
Theseus (/ˈθiːsiːəs/; Ancient Greek: Θησεύς [tʰɛːsěu̯s]) wis the meethical[1] king o Athens an wis the son o Aethra bi twa faithers: Aegeus an Poseidon.
[eedit | eedit soorce]Categeries:
- Airticles conteenin Ancient Greek (to 1453)-leid text
- Theseus
- Argonauts
- Attic cultur heroes
- Chairacters in A Midsummer Night's Dream
- Chairacters in Beuk VI o the Aeneid
- Demigods o Clessical meethology
- Foondin monarchs
- Greek meethological hero cult
- Greek meethologie
- Heroes that venturt tae Hades
- Keengs o Athens
- Male Shakespearean chairacters
- Meethological keengs
- Meethological swuird fechters
- Affspring o Poseidon