Shona Robison

Shona Robison, (born 26 Mey 1966 in Redcar, North Yorkshire, Ingland), is a Scots politeecian, an a Memmer o the Scots Pairlament, representin the Scots Naitional Pairty (SNP); she is the Meenister for Heal in the current govrenment. She haes representit the consteetuency o Dundee East syne 2003, an afore that wis a reegional leet member o the pairlament.
Syne the May 2021 election, Robison is Cabinet Secretar for Social Juistice, Housing an Local Govrenment.[1]
Fremmit airtins
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Biographie at Scots Pairlament offeecial wabsteid Archived 2005-11-08 at the Wayback Machine - in Inglis
- ↑ "Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government -". (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 17 Januar 2022. Retrieved 17 Januar 2022.
- Members o the Scots Pairlament for Dundee constituencies
- Fowk frae Redcar
- Female members o the Scots Pairlament
- 1966 births
- Livin fowk
- Scots National Pairty MSPs
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 1999–2003
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2003–07
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2007–11
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2011–16
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2016–
- Heal meenisters
- Sports meenisters
- Weemen members o the Scots Govrenment
- 20t-century weemen politeecians
- 21st-century weemen politeecians