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Rems-Murr is a destrict (Kreis) in the middle o Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Neighborin destricts are (frae north clockwise) Heilbronn, Schwäbisch Hall, Ostalbkreis, Göppingen, Esslingen, the destrict-free ceety Stuttgart an the destrict Ludwigsburg.


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The destrict wis creatit in 1973, when the destrict Waiblingen wis merged wi maist o the destrict Backnang an few municipalities frae the destrict Schwäbisch Gmünd.


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The biggest pairt o the destrict is locatit in the Swabie-Franconie muntains (Schwäbisch-Fränkischer Wald). The twa rivers Rems an Murr gave the destrict its name.

Coat o airms

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Coat o airms The coat o airms shows a deer antler in the middle, the seembol o the umwhile state o Württemberg. The twa wavy blue lines abuin an belaw seembolize the twa rivers Murr (in the north) an Rems (in the sooth) efter which the destrict wis named.


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Rems-Murr-Kreis is twinned wi:

Ceeties an touns

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Ceeties Admeenistrative destricts Touns
  1. Backnang
  2. Fellbach
  3. Murrhardt
  4. Schorndorf
  5. Waiblingen
  6. Weinstadt
  7. Welzheim
  8. Winnenden
  1. Backnang
  2. Plüderhausen-Urbach
  3. Schorndorf
  4. Sulzbach
  5. Welzheim
  6. Winnenden
  1. Alfdorf
  2. Allmersbach im Tal
  3. Althütte
  4. Aspach
  5. Auenwald
  6. Berglen
  7. Burgstetten
  8. Großerlach
  9. Kaisersbach
  10. Kernen
  11. Kirchberg an der Murr
  12. Korb
  1. Leutenbach
  2. Oppenweiler
  3. Plüderhausen
  4. Remshalden
  5. Rudersberg
  6. Schwaikheim
  7. Spiegelberg
  8. Sulzbach an der Murr
  9. Urbach
  10. Weissach im Tal
  11. Winterbach


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Freemit airtins

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Coordinates: 48°55′N 9°32′E / 48.917°N 9.533°E / 48.917; 9.533