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Location o Muju in Jeollabuk-do

Muju Coonty (Muju-gun), is a coonty in the province o Jeollabuk-do, Republic o Korea. Muju is kent for its Muju Firefly Festival an is considered the maist popular tourism aurie.


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Muju-gun belanged tae twa different kintras afore bein incorporatit intae ane admeenistrative destrict. Prior tae the Era o Samhan (afore 4t century BC), it wis dividit bi the Sobaek Muntains, an its east side belanged tae Byeonjin an its wast side Mahan.

Durin the era o the Three Kinricks o Korea, Mupung (the present name) in Byeonjin belanged tae Silla an wis cried Musanhyeon, an Jugye aurie (current Muju-eup) in Mahan belanged tae Baekje an wis cried Jeokcheonhyeon. It is kent that Musan wis renamed as Mupung an Jeokcheon as Dancheon efter the Era o Unifee'd Silla (668~917).

Efter Goryeo (918∼1392) wis foondit, Mupung did no chynge its name whauras Dancheon wis renamed as Jugye, an as Joseon rearranged admeenistrative destricts in 1414 (the 14t year o Taejong), Mupung an Jugye wur incorporatit intae ane destrict.

It wis named as Muju throu the combination o the first letters o the twa auries, Mupung an Jugye, efter thay wur incorporatit intae ane admeenistrative deestrict.[1]


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Muju-gun is situatit near fower provinces, includin Chungbuk, Chungnam, Gyeongbuk an Gyeongnam. Historically an geographically, the aurie haes served as a transitional grund atween the east an wast pairt o the soothren peninsula an is a steid for cultural exchynge. The geographical coordinates o Muju-gun is 127º 55’ ~ 127º 31’ o east langitude an 36º 4’ ~ 36º 47’ o north latitude. It is locatit in the central pairt o the kintra.


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It haes a muntainous climate in which temperatur is drastically different in the day an at nicht. Annual average temperatur is 10.8℃, an the heichest temperatur o the year is 35℃ an the lawest 17℃. Annual average precipitation is 1,251mm, an Namdae Stream, a branch stream o Geum River, is flowin throu Muju-eup.


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In the spring, Gucheon-dong Cherry Blossom Road stairtin at Rajetongmun locatit in Seolcheon-myeon is notable for its scenery alang wi the ryal azaleas that line a 28-km-lang road in Deokyu Muntain.

Clean fresh watter in Gucheon-dong is popular in the simmer. Raftin is available in the Geum River, an thare are sandy beaches an Naedori (in Muju-eup), an inland islet blessed wi fantastic rocks an stanes.

Maple leaves at Deokyu Muntain (Naitional Pairk) an Jeoksang Muntain can be seen durin hairst. In pairticular, Jeoksang Muntain that is citit as ane o the 100 maist bonnie views in Korea is blessed wi Gibong Summit, Hyangrobong Summit, Cheonil Faw, Jangdo Rock, Janggun Rock an Anryeomdae. In addition, Yangsu Pouer Generator at the summit, a muntaintop lake an sic historic steids as Jeoksang Sanseong an Anguksa Temple mak the aurie mair valuable.

Muju is compared tae a bonnie pentin in the winter. Syne Muju Resort whaur a siller snawfield unfaulds in the winter is equipped wi lairge ski facilities, hotels, performin stages, saunas, soummin puils an amusement pairks, it is loved bi mony wantin tae enjoy a romantic winter.


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Service an ither industries tak up aboot 50 percent o the industrial structur o Jeollabuk-do, while the remainder is taken up bi the order o minin, manufactur, agricultur, forestry, fishery, construction, electric an gas industries. For the industrial structur o Muju-gun, primary industry accoonts for 52%, seicontary industries 2%, an tertiary industries 46%. Upon the construction o the Taekwondo Pairk, tourism, leisur an enterprise ceety, an Danone Co Ltd’s Muju plant, the industrial structur o Muju unnergo a dramatic transformation.


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Heich-gates an Naitional roads

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Heich-gate #35, which connects Daejeon Metropolitan Ceety an Tongyeong, Gyeongnam, goes throu Muju-gun, as well as Naitional Road #19, #30 an #37. Locatit at the centre o Korea, Muju-gun haes an excellent transportation seestem. Frae dountoun Muju, it takes aboot twa an a hauf oors tae Seoul, an oor tae Daejeon Metropolitan Ceety, an oor an fifty minutes tae Daegu Metropolitan Ceety, an oor tae Jeonju, twa oors an ten minutes tae Gwangju Metropolitan Ceety an three oors tae Pusan. (Destination based on the ceety haws o each ceety).


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Currently, thare is nae railwey directly passin throu Muju-gun. Housomeivver, the govrenment plans tae big a railwey connectin Saemangeum (wast coast o Jeollabuk-do) an Gimcheon throu Muju-gun. In addition, as ither railweys pass throu the backgrund aurie o Muju-gun, includin Daejeon Metropolitan Ceety an the Yeongdong region o Chungbuk, Muju-gun is readily accessible via thir railweys. Frae Deokyusan I.C., it takes aboot fifty minutes (66 km) throu Heich-gate #35 tae reach Daejeon Station, whaur the heich-speed KTX, general train service an freight train service are available. It takes aboot fifty minutes (50 km) via Heich-gate #35 an Naitional Road #19 tae reach Yeongdong Station in Chungbuk, whaur baith general an freight train service are available.

Frae dountoun Muju, it takes aboot three oors (283 km) tae reach Incheon Internaitional Airport, twa oors (156 km) tae Daegu Internaitional Airport an twa oors (165 km) tae Gwangju Internaitional Airport.

Frae dountoun Muju, it takes aboot twa oors tae Gunsan Port in Gunsan Ceety, Jeollabuk-do, an twa oors an fowerty minutes tae Pusan Port.


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Syne December 2006, Muju-gun, an ecological ceety blessed wi bonnie natur, life, advanced cultur an tradeetion, haes been visitit bi as mony as 4.2 million indwallers, an the nummer o visitors is increasin ivery year.

Firefly Festival

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Muju Firefly Festival is a Korea’s representative environmental festival held on the theme o Firefly, Natural Treasure No. 322, ivery Juin. Firefly is an environment indicator insect that lives anerlie in the clean environment, an Muju-gun is raisin awareness aboot the seriousness o environmental contamination that is gettin worse bi linkin firefly tae a festival. Syne 1997 when the festival wis initiatit, it wis selectit as Korea’s excellent festival for 11 years in a row.

Taekwondo Park

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The construction o Taekwondo Pairk that is expectit tae grow intae the sacred grund for 70 million Taekwondo lovers in 188 kintras will be initiatit on Taekwondo Day, September 4, 2009, an completit in 2013. The pairk established in aurie coverin 2,314,049㎡ will include Taekwondo Stadium, Exhibition Hall, Experience Hall an Accommodations. Currently, an observatory is established in the steid o Taekwondo Pairk in Seolcheon-myeon, Muju-gun drawin Taekwondo lovers an tourists aw athort the warld.

  • Warld taekwondo expo teuk place in Muju an Jeonju aurie in Julie, 2008.

Bandi Land Insect Museum

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Bandi Land established in a habitat o firefly in Seolcheon-myeon, Muju-gun includes Insect Museum, Schuil o the Natur, Youth Camp an Natural Resort Forests providin mony tourists wi an opportunity tae experience the mystery o the natur. At the entrance o Insect Museum, representative fossils rangin frae the paleozoic era tae the Cenozoic era wur restored tae help appreciate the auncient mystery o the natur, an specimens o 13,500 rare insects o 2,000 species includin fireflies are exhibitit in the Insect Hall an 150 tropical plants are on display in Botanical Hall. It an aa includes the Korea’s lairgest insect specimens an a 3-D movie theater equipped wi Dome Screen in addition tae an ecological restoration steid, insect trees an a naitural history steid helpin families appreciate an experience the preciousness o the natur.

Bandi Observatory

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Bandi Observatory, a 3-story biggin established in aurie coverin 752.47㎡, is locatit in Bandi Land an equipped wi Exhibition Room, Video Room an Observation Room. It is an aa equipped wi 13 sma telescopes includin a 305mm RC Telescope enablin visitors tae experience telescopes, an the Korea’s first 800mm satellite trackin an monitorin telescope enables visitors tae observe planets includin the Sun, nebula an a cluster o starns.

Mt.Deokyu Naitional Pairk

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Deokyu Muntain is ane o the 12 maist bonnie muntains in Korea an centres aroond Hyangjeok Summit that staunds 1,614m abuin the sea level. Deokyu Summits that stairts at Sambong Muntain in Mupung an reaches Sooth Deokyu creates a 40 km-lang rig dividin Youngnam Aurie an Honam Aurie. Crystal watter flows frae the Hyangjeok Summit tae creaut the 33 maist bonnie sceneries in Gucheon-dong in addition tae Muju Resort in Buksa-myeon an Chilyeon Valley in the soothwast attractin a lot o visitors. The valleys o the muntain are filled wi reid ryal azaleas in the ware, an green forests draw visitors in the simmer. Red hairst leaves tint the muntain in the hairst, an it creates mysterious scenery filled wi white snaw in the winter.


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Jeoksang Muntain surroondit wi rocky cliffs is famous for bonnie hairst leaves. Jeoksang which means a reid skirt stemmed frae its bonnie hairst leaves. It staunds 1,034m abuin the sea level an creates a graceful scenery on the back o a summit lake for Yangsu Power Generator an sic historic steids as Jeoksangsanseong (Jeollabuk-do Regional Monument No. 88) an Anguksa Temple.

Muju Deogyusan Resort

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Less nor a 3-oor drive frae Incheon Internaitional airport, Muju Deogyusan Resort is a muntain resort in Korea that is 688 hectares (1,700 acres) in aurie an locatit in Mt.Deokyu Naitional Pairk. Muju Deogyusan Resort claims tae be a fower-saison resort, an it is kent in Korea chiefly for its ski aurie.

Sports Events

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Muju 1997 Winter Universiade

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  1. Offeecial wabpage o Muju http://eng.muju.org/index.sko

Freemit airtins

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