Metropolitan Aurie o Bogotá

Metropolitan Aurie o Bogotá is the unoffeecial metropolitan aurie o the Colombie caipital ceety o Bogotá, uisually uised for statistical analysis or technical uise.
The study includit the Caipital Destrict o Bogotá an 17 of the surroondin municipalities in the Depairtment o Cundinamarca; Soacha, Facatativá, Zipaquirá,Cogua, Chía, Mosquera, Madrid, Funza, Cajicá, Sibaté, Tocancipá, La Calera, Sopó, Tabio, Tenjo, Cota, Gachancipá an Bojacá. Current estimates place the aurie's population at over 9.853.338 million at 2012.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- University of Warsaw - Territorial Ordinance Plan; Metropolitan Area of Bogota Archived 2011-07-25 at the Wayback Machine