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Leet o Keengs o Jordan

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The Jordanian monarchy wis set up in 1921, wi the help o Breetain. The sons o Sherif Hussein ibn Ali wur set up as keengs o Iraq an Jordan. In Jordan, Abdullah I wis made Emir o Transjordan, a post he held frae 11 Aprile 1921 till Transjordan wis grantit unthirldom on 25 Mey 1946 as the Hashemite Kinrick o Transjordan. Abdullah wis crouned the kintra's first keeng. The kintra's name wis shortened tae the Hashemite Kinrick o Jordan on 3 Aprile 1949.

The Hashemite Dynasty oreeginates in the Hejaz, which is nou pairt o Saudi Arabie.

Hashemite Dynasty o Jordan (1921-present)

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Image Name Date o birth Emir Frae Emir Till Date o daith
Abdullah Februar 1882 1921 1946 20 Julie 1951
Image Name Date o birth Monarch Frae Monarch Till Date o daith
Abdullah I Februar 1882 25 Mey 1946 20 Julie 1951
Talal 26 Februar 1909 20 Julie 1951 11 August 1952
7 Julie 1972
Hussein 14 November 1935 11 August 1952 7 February 1999
Abdullah II 30 Januar 1962 7 Februar 1999 Present


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Abdullah II o JordanHussein o JordanTalal o JordanAbdullah I o Jordan

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