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Karl Marx

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Karl Marx

Marx in 1875
BornKarl Marx[a]
5 Mey 1818(1818-05-05)
Trier, Kinrick o Proushie, German Confederation
Dee'd14 Mairch 1883(1883-03-14) (aged 64)
Lunnon, England
Hauf-marrae(s)Jenny von Westphalen (m. 1843; d. 1881)
BairnsAt least 7,[3] including Jenny, Laura and Eleanor

Filosofie career
Era19t-century philosophy
RegionWestren philosophy
Main interests
  • Philosophy
  • economics
  • history
  • politics
Notable ideas

Karl Marx (5t Mey 1818 in Trier, Germany14t Mairch 1883 in Lunnon, UK) wis a German philosopher and poleitical thinker that wrat aboot economics an politics. Ane o his first beuks wis the Communist Manifesto, written thegither wi Friedrich Engels in 1848. In this beuk thay set oot the ideas an ettles o the Communist muvement for the first time. His theories wis gien the name Marxism efterhaund, baith bi thaim that gree'd wi him an thaim that criticeesed him.

His maist important contreibution is thocht tae be his beuk Das Kapital that wis written ower monie decades; in it he analeesed and criticeesed the system of Caipitalism. For the maist pairt it disagreed wi leiberal economic views an haes led tae gran debates atween its supporters an detractors. Juist the ae volume haed been feenisht bi the time Marx dee'd; Engels teuk his jots an completit twa mair volumes.

Born in Trier in the Kinrick o Proushie, Marx started his studies at the universities o Bonn, Berlin, an Jena, gettin his doctorate in philosophy frae Jena in 1841. He was a Young Hegelian, influencet by the works o Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, an in his ain works, like The German Ideology an the Grundrisse, he both critiqued an developed Hegel’s ideas. While in Paris in 1844, Marx wrote his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts an met Engels, wha became his closest friend an collaborator. After muivin tae Brussels in 1845, the pair were active in the Communist League, an by 1848, they wrote The Communist Manifesto, a pamphlet layin oot Marx's thoughts an a plan for revolution. After bein expelled from Belgium an Germany, Marx made his way tae Lunnon in 1849, whaur he penned The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte an Das Kapital. In 1864, Marx got involved in the International Workingmen's Association (First International), where he took on the anarchists led by Mikhail Bakunin. In his Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875), he laid doon his thoughts on revolution, the state, an the road tae communism. Marx passed away stateless in 1883 an was buried in Highgate Cemetery.

  1. His name was spelled Carl Marx in the birth register of Trier and he occasionally used this spelling in official contexts up to the 1840s. His full name is sometimes given as Karl Heinrich Marx, but he never officially had a middle name, using the forms Karl Heinrich or Carl Heinrich (with his father's first name added after his own) only several times as a student.[2]
  1. "Letter from Karl Marx accepting membership of the Society 1862". Royal Society of Arts. Archived frae the original on 16 Apryle 2018. Retrieved 19 August 2022.
  2. Heinrich 2019, pp. 34–35.
  3. Padover, Saul, ed. (1975). "Introduction: Marx, the Human Side". Karl Marx on Education, Women, and Children. New York: McGraw Hill. p. xxv.