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Kamil Stoch

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Kamil Stoch
Full nameKamil Wiktor Stoch
Born (1987-05-25) 25 Mey 1987 (age 37)
Poland Zakopane, Poland
Hicht1.73 m (5 ft 8 in)
Ski clubWKS Zakopane
Personal best232,5 m (Vikersund 2013)
Warld Cup career
Individual wins11
Indiv. podiums23
Updatit on 16 Februar 2014.

Kamil Wiktor Stoch (Pols pronunciation: [ˈkamil stɔx]; born 25 Mey 1987 in Zakopane) is a Pols ski jumper. He is the 2013 Warld champion in the muckle hill an the 2014 dooble Olympic champion in the normal hill an muckle hill. He competit in the 2006 an 2010 Winter Olympics an aa. On Januar 26, 2013 he became the jynt Pols ski flyin record holder (tyin the merk haydit bi Piotr Żyła) wi a jump o 232.5.