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Joan o Arc

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Paintin, ca. 1485. An airtist's interpretation, sin the ae portrait for whilk she is kent tae hae sat hisna survived. (Centre Historique des Archives Nationales, Paris, AE II 2490)

Saunt Joan o Arc or The Maid o Orléans (French: Jeanne d'Arc,[1] IPA: [ʒan daʁk]; ca. 1412[2] – 30 Mey 1431) is conseidert a naitional heroine o Fraunce an a Catholic saunt. A paisant lassie born in easten Fraunce wha claimed heivenlie ettlance, she led the French airmy tae siveral heid owerhauns in the Hunder Years' War whilk paved the wey for Charles VII's croonin. She wis fangt bi the Burgundians, sauld tae the Inglis, tried bi an ecclesiastical coort, an burnt on a stab whan she wis nineteen year auld.

The touer whaur she wis wardit bidin fur the assize


Twintie-five year efter the justifeecation, Pape Callixtus III exemt the assize, pronouncit her saikless an deponet her a mairtyr. She wis beeteefit in 1909 an canonised in 1920.[2] She is, alang wi St. Denis, St. Martin o Tours, St. Louis IX, an St. Theresa of Lisieux, ane o the patron saunts of Fraunce.


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  1. Her name wis written in a variety o weys, particularly afore the mid-19t century. See Pernoud and Clin, pp. 220–221. She reportedly signed her name as "Jehanne" (see www.stjoan-center.com/Album/, parts 47 and 49; it is also noted in Pernoud and Clin).
  2. a b Modern biographical summaries aften asserts a birthdate o Januar 6t for Joan. In fact, housomever, she coud jist estimate her ain age. Aw the rehabilitation-trial wutnesses estimates her age siclike even tho siveral o thir fowk wis her godmithers an godfathers. The 6 January claim is based on a single source: a letter frae Lord Perceval de Boullainvilliers on 21 July 1429 (see Pernoud's Joan of Arc By Herself and Her Witnesses, p. 98: "Boulainvilliers tells of her birth in Domrémy, an it is he who gives us an exact date, which may be the true one, saying that she was born on the nicht of Epiphany, 6 January"). Boulainvilliers, housomeir, wisnae frae Domrémy. The event likely wisnae recordit. The haunt o parish registers for non-noble births didnae begin til siveral generation ain haun.