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Blackburn Rovers F.C.

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Blackburn Rovers
Full nameBlackburn Rovers Football Club
The Blue and Whites
The Riversiders[1]
Foondit1875; 150 years ago (1875)
GroundEwood Park, Blackburn, Lancashire
Ground Capacity31,367
AwnerVenky's London Ltd
CEOSteve Waggott
ManagerTony Mowbray
2022–23Championship, 7t o 24
WabsteidClub wabsteid
Current saison

Blackburn Rovers Football Club (pronounced /ˈblækbɜrn ˈroʊvərz/ (deprecatit template)) is an Inglis fitbaw club based in the toun o Blackburn, Lancashire.

The club wis established in 1875, becomin a foondin member o The Fitbaa League in 1888. It is ane o anerlie three clubs tae hae been baith a foonder member o the Fitbaa League an the Premier League (the ithers bein Aston Villa an Everton). In 1890 the Rovers moved tae its permanent home at Ewood Park. Prior tae the formation o the Premier League in 1992, maist o the club's successes wur afore 1930, when it haed gained league an FA Cup trophies on several occasions. Relegation in 1966 wis followed bi 26 successive saisons o fitbaw ootside the tap flight.

In 1992, Blackburn wis promoted tae the new Premier League a year efter bein taken ower bi local steel baron Jack Walker, who installed Kenny Dalglish as manager. In 1995, Blackburn became league champion, haein spent millions o pounds on players lik Alan Shearer an Chris Sutton. Houiver, the title-winnin team wis quickly split up an, in 1999, the club wis relegated. It wis promoted back tae the Premier League twa year later, juist efter Walker's daith, an haes been in the tap flight ever syne. During this time it haes qualified for the UEFA Cup fower times: ance as League Cup winners, twice as the Premier League's saxt-placed team an ance via the Intertoto Cup. The 2009–10 season marks the club's 70th nonconsecutive year in the tap flight.

The club's Latin motto "Arte et labore", the club's translation o this is "Bi Skill & Hard Work".

Club honours

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Date Honours
1994–1995 Premier League Champions
1884, 1885, 1886, 1890, 1891, 1928 FA Cup winners
1882,1960 FA Cup runners-up
1959 FA Youth Cup winners
1998, 2000 FA Youth Cup runners-up
2002 League Cup winners
1987 Full Members Cup winners
1912 Charity Shield winners
1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1896, 1901,
1902, 1904, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1945
1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 2007
Lancashire Senior Cup winners
1993–94 Premier League runners-up
1911–12, 1913–14 League Division 1 (nou Premier League) champions
2000–01 League Division 1 (nou the Championship) runners-up
1938–39 League Division 2 (nou the Championship) champions
1957–58 League Division 2 runners-up
1974–75 League Division 3 (nou League Ane) champions
1979–80 League Division 3 runners-up


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  1. "Nicknames". Club Nicknames. The-Football-Club.com. 2 August 2009. Archived frae the original on 7 September 2009. Retrieved 2 August 2009.