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Background information
Birth nameValeriya Yurievna Perfilova
Born (1968-04-17) 17 Aprile 1968 (age 56)
Atkarsk, Roushie SFSR, Soviet Union

Valeriya (Roushie: Валерия) is the stage name o Alla Yurievna Perfilova (Roushie: Алла Юрьевна Перфилова, born 17 Apryle 1968 in Atkarsk), a Roushie sangster.[1]


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Early years

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Valeriya wis born on the 17 Apryle 1968 in a smaw toun Atkarsk Saratov Oblast in middle Roushie in a faimily o clessical muisickers. She studiet piano at the anerly muisical schuil in the toun whaur her faither Yuri Ivanovich Perfilov wis a director an her mither Galina Nikolaevna Perfilova wis a teacher. Syne her early bairnheid Valeriya knew that she wantit tae be a sangster.


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In 1985 Valeriya left her hametoun an muivit tae the caipital o Roushie. In Moscow she entered the maist famous muisic academy in Roushie - Gnesin Academy o Muisic - an successfully graduatit frae it in 1990. Amang her teachers wur Fowkairtists o Roushie: professor Iosif Kobzon an Gelena Velikanova.

In 1989 Valeriya recorded her first album in Inglis “The Taiga Symphony”. At the same time she recordit an album o tradeetional Roushie romances “Pobud’ so mnoi” (“Stay wi me”) which wis released bi “Olympia Disk” UK company.

At the beginnin o her career Valeriya teuk pairt in various contests for young sangsters. In 1992 she wan the first prize in a naitional TV contest “Morning Star”, in 1992 she wan an internaitional contest “Bratislavskaya Lira” an got an Audience Choice Awaird at “Yurmala-92” festival.

In 1993 Valeriya began tae wirk on her studio album “Anna” thegither wi her husband Alexandr Shulgin who wis her manager an aw an as well as her sangwriter.

At the end o Dizember 1995 Valeriya released “Moya Moskva” (“Ma Moscow”) single an in 1996 she presentit tae the public her album “Anna” that haed been stayin on tap o various chairts for quite a lang time an made the sangster widely popular. Frae airtistic pynt o view, 'Anna' wis Valeriya's masterpiece which she wis niver able tae reach in the futur. The same year Valeriya became a teacher at the Gnesin Academy o Muisic.

In 1997 Valeriya feenished her album “Familia. Chast’ 1” (“Family name. Part 1”). Later the sangster released several successfu albums ("Glaza Tsveta Neba" 2001) but in 2001 she suddenly left the stage acause o difficulties wi her manager an faimily circumstances. In Apryle 2003 the contract atween Valeriya an her manager wis legally terminatit.

Anerly efter a lang period o silence Valeriya foond courage tae get back on stage. On 7 Apryle 2003 she signed a contract wi a famous manager Iosif Prigozhin an his company “NOX Music”.

In 2003 Valeriya released her new lang-expectit album “Loveland” which sales exceed those o aw her previous albums. In 2004 Valeriya got the Best Female Artist awairds frae the twa main naitional muisic channels – MuzTV an MTV Russia. Later she got numerous “Golden Grammophone” awairds an a MTW RMA Awaird for the Best Sang.

In 2005 unner the Preses’ decree Valeriya wis awairdit a title of “Honoured Airtist o Roushie”. In the Forbes magazine leet o 50 maist heichly-paid fowk in movie, sport, leeteratur an muisic industrie Valeriya wis rankit 9t (August, 2005).

Valeriya haes her awn jewellery an perfume lines – “De Leri”.

In 2006 Valeriya’s autobiografie “Life, Tears and Love” wis published. In the beuk for the first time she revealed shockin details o her marriage wi Alexandr Shulgin.

In Apryle 2006 Valeriya released a new album “Nezhnost’ moya” (“My Tenderness”) an began tae prepare her new concert program. In September she went on the album’s promo tour durin which she gae mair nor 10 concerts in Roushie an ower 30 shows abroad. The tour wis concludit wi a grand sauld-oot shaw at a huge Olympic Stadium in Moscow in November.

In Mairch 2007 Valeriya released a new album “Out Of Control” that wis recordit in twa versions: Inglis an Roushie. The album shows some great collaborations wi ootrageous producers an muisickers sic as Ray St. John (the author o Sade’s “Smooth Operator”), David Richards (producer o several Queen’s albums), Chantal Kreviazuk (the author o hits performit bi Avril Lavigne an Gwen Stefani). Ane o the tracks is a cover version o famous disco hit “Stayin' Alive” sang bi the legendar Bee Gees. Valeriya recordit the track thegither wi ane o the Gibb brithers – Robin Gibb.

In 2008 Valeriya became a guidwill envoy for the Roushie Federation on behauf o the Internaitional Organization for Migration (IOM), an agency she has teamed up wi for the past year tae combat human trokin. Valeriya’s anti-trokin clips awready appear on Roushie televeesion an she dedicatit some o her concerts aroond Europe next year tae raise public awareness o the problem.

Valeriya wis a member o a jury in the Roushie version o famous TV show “X-Factor”. She is regularly invitit as a judge tae the internaitional contest for young performers “New Wave” in Jūrmala.

In Januar 2009 Valeriya teuk pairt in Midem 2009 Rusia! Time for Partnership! day, co-organized wi trade publication Billboard Roushie Federation. She gae a shaw at The Midem Openin Night Pairty Russia at "Palais des Festivales" in Cannes.

Mairch - Apryle 2009 Valeriya wis a special guest at Simply Reid "The Greatest Hits" Tour in the UK.

In 2010, Valeriya joined forces wi Avon as a celebrity judge for Avon Vyces,[2] Avon’s first eier global, online singin talent search for weemen an sangwritin competition for men an weemen.

Personal life

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Valeriya haes been marriet three times. Her first husband wis Leonid Yaroshevsky, her seicont husband wis Alexandr Shulgin. She is currently marriet wi Iosif Prigozhin. Valeriya haes three childer: Anna, Artemy an Arseny, whose faither is her seicont husband.


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  • "The sky belongs to me" 1992
  • "Stay with me" 1992
  • "My Moscow" 1995
  • "S dobrim Utrom!" / "Good Morning!" 1995
  • "Moskva slezam ne verit" 1995
  • "Samolet" / "Airplaine" 1995
  • "Obichnie Dela" / "Simple Stuffs" 1995
  • "Noch nezhna" 1997
  • "Popolam" 1997
  • "O tom chto bilo" 1997
  • "Jal" 1997
  • "Ty gde to tam" 1999
  • "Tsvety" 1999
  • "Snowstorm" 2000
  • "Riga - Moscow" 2000
  • "Taju" / "I'm melting" 2000
  • "Ne obijay menya" 2001
  • "Ne obmanyvai" 2001
  • "Bolshe chem zhizn" 2001
  • "Malchiki ne plachyt" 2001
  • "Bila lubov" 2003
  • "Chasiki" 2003
  • "Pereley voda" 2003
  • "Raduga duga" 2003
  • "Cherno Beliy Tsvet" 2003
  • "Obo mne ne vspominay" 2003
  • "Ti grustish" - Valeriya an Stas Pjekha 2004
  • "Otpusty menya" 2006
  • "Prosto tak" 2006
  • "Malenkiy samolet" 2006
  • "Ot lubvi do razluky" 2006
  • "Ty poimesh" 2006
  • "Nejnost moya" 2006
  • "Rasstavanie" - Valeriya an Stas Pjekha 2006
  • "Break It All" 2007
  • "Mi vmeste" 2008
  • "Chelovek dojdya" 2008
  • "The Party's Over" 2008
  • "Wild" 2008
  • "Stayin' Alive" - Valeriya an Robin Gibb 2008
  • "Nikto kak ty" 2009
  • "Back to Love" 2009
  • "All That I Want" 2010
  • Stay with Me 1993
  • The Taiga Symphony 1993
  • "Ottsvely Khrizantemy" 1994
  • "Tsvety" 1994
  • "Kak khoroshi te ochy" 1994
  • "Ne pozabyd bilye uvlecheniya" 1994
  • "Tolko raz bivaet v jizny vstrecha" 1994
  • "Merry Christmas to the world" 1994
  • "Moya Moskva" 1995
  • "Samolet" 1995
  • "S dobrym utrom" 1995
  • "Moskva slezam ne verit" 1995
  • The Taiga Symphony & Stay with Me 1997
  • Familiya & Anna 1997
  • "Noch nezhna" 1997
  • "Popolam" 1997
  • "Jal" 1997
  • "Riga - Moscow" 2000
  • "Snowstorm" 2000
  • "Tau" 2001
  • "Bila lubov" 2003
  • Love land 2004
  • "Ti grustish" -Valeriya an Stas Pjekha 2004
  • "Malenkiy Samolet" 2005
  • "My Tenderness" 2006
  • "Rasstavanie" - Valeriya an Stas Pjekha 2006
  • Mega-concert in Olympic Stadium 2007
  • "Break it all" (directed bi Kamel Ouali) [2007]
  • "Wild" (directed bi Alan Badoyev) [2008]
  • "The party's over" (directed bi Harvey B. Brown) [2008]
  • "Back to love" (directed bi Justin Kerrigan) [2009]
  • "Kapelkoyu" ("Капелькою") (directed bi Alexander Igudin) [2010]
  • Валерия и Николай Басков - Сохранив любовь [2011]

Main Concerts

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  • 1995 - First concert at Concert Hall "Gorbunova"
  • 7-8.12.1996 - "Familia" at Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky"
  • 18-19.09.2001 - "Glaza Tsveta Neba" at Concert Hall "Russia"
  • 2003 - "Love Land" at Kremlin Palace
  • 18.11.2006 - "My Tenderness" at Concert Hall "Olimpic"
  • 8.01.2009 - Outward Bound Trust presents Ane Night Anly: An Evening Celebrating The Bee Gees wi Robin Gibb an his friends.
  • 18.01.2009 - Midem 2009 in Cannes, concert at "Palais des Festivals"
  • 24.03.2009 - 9.04.2009 Simly Reid an Valeriya on Tour in UK
  • 24.03.2009 - Glassgow "Braehead Arena"
  • 26.03.2009 - Cardiff "Cardiff Arena"
  • 27.03.2009 - "Sheffield Arena"
  • 28.03.2009 - Birmingham "LG Arena"
  • 30.03.2009 - Bournemouth
  • 31.03.2009 - "Brighton Centre"
  • 2.04.2009 - Lunnon "The O2"
  • 3.04.2009 - Lunnon "The O2"
  • 5.04.2009 - Manchester "Evenning News Arena"
  • 6.04.2009 - Glasgow "Clyde Auditorium"
  • 7.04.2009 - Newcastle "Metro Radio Arena"
  • 9.04.2009 - Nottingham "Trent FM Arena"
  • 30.04.2009 - Kremlin Palace


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  • 1992 — Winner o the Morning Star Roushie TV contest
  • 1992 — Winner o the internaitional contest “Bratislavskaya Lira”
  • 1992 — Audience Choice Awaird at the “Yurmala-92” festival
  • 1993 — "Person of the Year" bi the offeecial publication o the Roushie Union of Journalists
  • 1994 — Laureat o the TV contest "The Song of The Year"
  • 1995 — Laureat o the TV contest "The Song of The Year"
  • 2000 — "A Hundred-pood Hit single from Hit-FM" ("Стопудовый хит от Хит-FM".)
  • 2000 — Laureat o the TV contest "The Song of The Year"
  • 2000 — "Golden Gramophone" naitional prize
  • 2001 — "Radio favorite of the year" nomination o the "Alexander Popov Professional National Prize" in radio broadcasting
  • 2001 — "Record- 2001" - Riga-Moscow
  • 2001 — Laureat o the TV contest "The Song of The Year"
  • 2003 — "The most popular and most beautiful Russian singer" of 2003 named bi weekly magazine "7 Days"
  • 2003 — Valeriya wis decorated wi the Order "For the Revival of Russia"
  • 2003 — "Golden Gramophone" naitional prize
  • 2003 — Laureat o the TV contest "The Song of The Year"
  • 2003 — Laureat o the contest "Delovye Ludy 2003"
  • 2004 — "Best Female Act" "Muz-TV Awards 2004"
  • 2004 — "Best Female Act" "MTV Russian Music Awards 2004"
  • 2004 — "Record - 2004"
  • 2004 — "Golden Gramophone" naitional prize
  • 2004 — Laureat o the muisic festival "Novye pesny o glavnov"
  • 2005 — The best duet - MTV Russia Awaird (Valeriya an Stas Pieha - Ti grustish)
  • 2005 — Awairdit the Mariinskiy Order for Professional Achievements
  • 2005 — Preses o the Roushie Federation gies Valeriya a title “The Honoured Artist of Russia” [3]
  • 2005 — "Golden Gramophone" naitional prize
  • 2006 — "Golden Gramophone" naitional prize
  • 2007 — "Record - 2007"
  • 2007 — Laureat o the TV contest "The Song of The Year"
  • 2007 — Golden Gramophone naitional prize
  • 2008 — "Golden Gramophone" naitional prize
  • 2008 — Naitional Priz "Ovatsiya"
  • 2008 — Laureat of "ZD Awards" ("Best Artist", "Best Video")
  • 2010 — "Best Artist" "ZD Awards"


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  1. "The Independent - Valeriya: Russia's greatest export". Archived frae the original on 9 Julie 2008. Retrieved 11 September 2013.
  2. http://www.avonvoices.com Archived 2011-03-11 at the Wayback Machine
  3. Awarded the Russian President's Decree № 1241 on October 25th, 2005 Archived 2011-06-22 at the Wayback Machine

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