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Kin ye no pit aw they poleetickal prix on here? We's no interestit

Wha is we's?
It's braw that he's made sae monie airticle - een gin thay's poleetical ;).
Coud ye mebbes chynge the category o aw thae politeecians frae category:New Zealand tae category:New Zealand politeecians?
Jimmy 14:28, 25 September 2007 (UTC)[replie]

A didna pit that awfu weel. A ken ye didna categorise them. A'v been gaun throu aw the airticles eikin categories. Maistlins juist a 'heid category', fae there they can syne be pitten intae mair better sub-categories. A think it wis you that creatit thir pages, that's hou a speirt gin ye micht coud chynge them. Thanks aw the same. Jimmy 11:54, 28 September 2007 (UTC)[replie]

NZ politicians

[eedit soorce]

Those NZ politicians are still controversial.
Having created them, can you update them?
Chris Auchinvole was born in Scotland.
Varlaam (talk) 15:35, 19 October 2012 (UTC)[replie]