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Marie-Henri Beyle
Stendhal, bi Olof Johan Södermark, 1840
Born23 Januar 1783(1783-01-23)
Grenoble, Fraunce
Dee'd23 Mairch 1842(1842-03-23) (aged 59)
Paris, Fraunce
Leeterar muivementRealism

Marie-Henri Beyle (French: [bɛl]; 23 Januar 1783 – 23 Mairch 1842), better kent bi his pen name Stendhal (French: [stɛ̃dal] or [stɑ̃dal];[2]), wis a 19t-century French writer. Best kent for the novelles Le Rouge et le Noir (The Reid an the Black, 1830) an La Chartreuse de Parme (The Chairterhoose o Parma, 1839), he is heichly regairdit for the acute analysis o his chairacters' psychology an conseedert ane o the earliest an foremaist practeetioners o realism.


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  1. "Passion was his raison d'être, and that surely is the religion of all romantics—exaltation through the passions... Stendhal was a product of the Napoleonic age, when the French saw themselves as world conquerors, and his attitude was such. But putting that aside one must admit that La Chartreuse is a good book in the romantic tradition... few men have conveyed passion with such intensity as he has... [examples] His description of their emotional frenzy is magnificent... Stendhal never became sentimental and soft the way Thackeray did, especially over women; in his greatest extravagance he remains hard and glittering... but Thackeray has something which Stendhal did not have: humour." [1]
  2. The pronunciation [stɛ̃dal] is the maist common in Fraunce the day, as shawn bi the entry "stendhalien" ([stɛ̃daljɛ̃]) in the Petit Robert dictionary an bi the pronunciation recordit on the authoritative wabsteid Pronny the pronouncer Archived 2016-03-08 at the Wayback Machine, which is run bi a professor o lingueestics an records the pronunciations o heichly eddicated native speakers. The pronunciation [stɑ̃dal] is less common in Fraunce the day, but wis presumably the maist common ane in 19t-century Fraunce an perhaps the ane preferred bi Stendhal, as shawn bi the at the time well-kent phrase "Stendhal, c'est un scandale" as explained on page 88 o Stendhal: The Red and the Black bi Stirling Haig. On the ither haund, mony obituaries uised the spellin "Styndal", which clearly indicates that the pronunciation [stɛ̃dal] wis an aa already common at the time o his daith (see Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologie, Volumes 57 tae 58 [in German], p. 175). Syne Stendhal haed lived an traiveled extensively in Germany, it is o coorse an aa possible that he in fact pronoonced his name as the German ceety [ˈʃtɛndaːl] uisin /ɛn/ instead o /ɛ̃/ (an perhaps an aa wi /ʃ/ instead o /s/) an that some French speakers approximatit this but that maist uised ane o the twa common French pronunciations o the spellin "en" ([ɑ̃] an [ɛ̃]).