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An 18t-century prayerbeuk on the miracles o Purim
Observed biJews
TeepJewish releegious, cultural
SigneeficanceCelebration o Jewish deleeverance as told in the Beuk o Esther (Megillah)
CelebrationsLeestenin tae the Beuk o Esther in synagogue; sendin fuid parcels an giein charity; dressin up in costume; eatin a festive meal
Date14t day o Adar (in Jerusalem an aw auncient wawed ceeties, 15t o Adar)
2024 dateSunset, 23 Mairch –
nichtfaw, 24 Mairch[1]
2025 dateSunset, 13 Mairch –
nichtfaw, 14 Mairch
2026 dateSunset, 2 Mairch –
nichtfaw, 3 Mairch
Relatit taeHanukkah, as a rabbinically decreed Jewish holiday.

Purim (Ebreu: Aboot this soondפּוּרִים  Pûrîm "lots", frae the wird פורpur,[2] relatit tae Akkadian: pūru) is a Jewish haliday that commemorates the savin o the Jewish fowk frae Haman, that wis plannin tae kill aw the Jews.

On Purim Jews hae public readins o the Beuk o Esther in Ebreu an stage comic plays, cried purimspiels in Yiddish, aboot the story o Esther. It is forby common frae Jewish fowk tae wear costumes on Purim.

Purim Costumes
"Clouns", 1914
"Aungel", Tel Aviv, 2008
"Clouns", NYC, 2012
"Teegers", Tel Aviv, 2013
"Scotsman" & "caveman", Tel Aviv, 2017
"Aungel," 2017


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  1. "Dates for Purim". Hebcal.com by Danny Sadinoff and Michael J. Radwin (CC-BY-3.0). Retrieved 26 August 2018.
  2. Esther 9:24, 27.