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The location of the Machars in Scotland.

The Machars (Scots Gaelic: Machair (Ghallghaidhealaibh); lit. "the Plains (o Gallowa)") is a peninsula in Gallowa in the sooth-wast o Scotland. It compreeses pairt o the coonty o Wigtounshire. The main touns here is Wigtoun an Whithorn.

Coordinates: 54°49′05″N 4°31′23″W / 54.818°N 4.523°W / 54.818; -4.523

Mochrum Loch - The Machars

St Ringan (360-432) brocht Christianity tae whit wad become Scotland via the Machars, foondin a smaw kirk at the Isle o Whithorn fae whit a mediæval cathedral efterwart sprang at Whithorn. Ringan studied unner St Martin o Tours an is creditit wi bringin Christianity tae Scotland lang afore St Columba, whase kirk at Iona is aften mistaen creditit as the Cradle o Scots Christianity.


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