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Leigh Sales

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Leigh Sales
BornLeigh Peta Sales
1973 (age 51–52)
Brisbane, Queensland, Australie
ResidenceGlebe,[1] Sydney
EddicationAspley State High School
Alma materQueensland University of Technology
Deakin University
ThriftTeleveesion presenter
EmployerAustralian Broadcasting Corporation
Hauf-marrae(s)Phil Willis
BairnsDaniel an James

Leigh Peta Sales (born 1973 in Brisbane) is an Australie author an jurnalist. She is the host o the Australie telly channel ABC's flagship news an current affairs program 7.30.[1]

Leigh wis a jurnalist wi the Nine Network in Brisbane afore joinin the ABC an is a graduate o Deakin University (Maister o Internaitional Relations) an Queensland University of Technology (Bachelor o Jurnalism).[2]

Sales haes held poseetions in naitional radio current affairs an wis NSW poleetical reporter (coverin the 1999 an 2007 state elections an the 2000 Simmer Olympics).

Leigh presentit Lateline on Monday, Fuirsday an Friday nichts (wi Tony Jones in the role on Tuesdays an Wadensdays). She haes been the ABC's Naitional Security Correspondent frae 2006 till 2008 an wis based in Sydney. Sales wis the netwirk's Washington correspondent frae 2001 tae 2005, coverin stories includin the Iraq War, the 2004 presidential election, Guantanamo Bay an Hurricane Katrina.[3]

In 2011, Sales wis appointit presenter o the ABC's flagship news an current affairs program, 7.30.[1]

In Januar 2013, Sales hostit the 70 minute Townterview—a mix o a toun haw an a telly interview—wi Secretar o State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Newseum in Washington, DC. It wis the feenal sic program for Clinton as Secretar o State.[4]

Publishin career

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Her first beuk, Detainee 002: The Case of David Hicks, wis publisht in 2007 bi Melbourne University Publishing (MUP). The beuk covers Hicks' case as well as a detailed explanation o the Bush admeenistration's detainee policy in the War on Terror an the Australie govrenment's cooperation. Her essay, "On Doubt", wis publisht in 2009 as pairt o MUP's series Little Books on Big Themes which haes featurt Germaine Greer, David Malouf, Blanche d'Alpuget an Barrie Kosky. She haes written for The Monthly an her wirk haes occasionally appeared in The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, an afore thair demise, The Diplomat an The Bulletin.

Sales writes a fortnichtly blog cried Well-readhead, maistly aboot beuks an readin. It includes a leet o ten interestin things tae read, watch or listen tae. It appears on baith the ABC's The Drum wabsteid an News Limited's The Punch.

Awairds an recognition

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  • 2005: Walkley Awaird for best Radio Current Affairs reportin on Guantanamo Bay [5]
  • 2007: George Munster Awaird for Independent Journalism for Detainee 002[6]
  • 2012: Walkley Awaird for Broadcasting an Online Interviewing [7]

Publisht wirks

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Freemit airtins

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Media offices
Precedit bi
Virginia Trioli
Presenter (Monday, Tuesday & Friday)

Succeedit bi
Ali Moore
Precedit bi
Kerry O'Brien as The 7.30 Report

Succeedit bi
Sarah Ferguson