DAF Daffodil

The DAF 750 is a wee faimily caur that wis manufactured bi DAF frae 1961 til 1963. It replaced the DAF 600. At the same time as launchin the 750, DAF launched the DAF Daffodil whilk wis essentially the same car but wi mair luxurious fittings an a wheen mair chrome trim on the but side. The Daffodil wis conceived as an export version o the 750, but the mercat response dictate a speedy demise for the 750 while the better equippit Daffodil fared raither better. The 750 therefore ceased production in 1963 while the Daffodil, the beneficiary o a succession o mild face lifts, remained in production til 1967 whan the DAF Daffodil wis replaced bi the wee bit mair pouerfu but itherwise vera seimilar DAF 33.
The names
[eedit | eedit soorce]The Daffodil name workit weel in some mercats, but in the domestic mercat an in Germany the mair luxuriously equipped version o the DAF 750 wis kent as the DAF 30. Upgrades in 1963 an 1965 wis markit bi name chynges the DAF 31 an DAF 32. In thir mercats, the launch o the DAF 33 in 1967 wis merely a continuation o an existin line.
The engine
[eedit | eedit soorce]The 746 cc power stroke air cooled 2 cylinder Boxer ingine haed the same stroke as in the 600, but the bore wis increased frae 76mm tae 85.5mm. Claimed pouer output wis wis waxt frae 22 bhp (16 kW) tae 30 bhp (22 kW), an a maximum speed o 105 km/h (65 mph) wis claimed.
Running gear
[eedit | eedit soorce]The DAF 600 haed been the first car tae hae a continuously variable transmission (CVT) seestem - the innovotive DAF Variomatic, an the same seestem wis cairried ower tae the 750 an its variants. The DAF Variomatic employs centrifugal wichts tae shift the transmission an is enhanced bi an ingine manifold vacuum. The DAF Variomatics wis tharebi the anly cars ever produced whilk gaed faster bi the semple expedient o gently an gradually releasin the accelerator whan tap speed haed been reakit. The Variomatic permit increased ingine brakin bi operatin a switch on the dashboard whilk reversed the action o the vacuum on the pulley's diaphragm, seekin a laicher ratio wi increased manifold vacuum.
[eedit | eedit soorce]Atween 1961 an 1967 the mechanical aspects o the car wisna significantly chyngit.
1963 markit the withdrawal o the 750 an 30 badges, an the DAF 30 wis replaced bi the DAF 31. The exterior o the car wis modestly reworkit wi input frae Michelotti whilk involved sharpened angles an mair prominent fins: the interior wis significantly upgradit an aw.
In 1965 the DAF 32 replaced the DAF 31. This upgrade wis markit bi further limitit chynges tae the body panels, again involvin Michelotti whase influence wad continue tae be seen on DAF passenger cars til the Limburg car assembly business wis acquired bi Volvo.
Popular references
[eedit | eedit soorce]The DAF Daffodil gied its name tae the late 80's/early 90's Manchester Indie brand The New Fast Automatic Daffodils, efter an advert for the car, whilk statit "The New, Fast Daffodil - fully Automatic".
[eedit | eedit soorce]- This airticle incorporates text owerset fae the Dutch Wikipedia articles on the DAF Daffodil an the DAF 750 as o 2008-03-10 .
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