
Buddhism is a releegion an philosophy foondit on the teachins o the Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama, a speeritual leader that leeved fae aboot 563 tae 483 BCE in whit's noo Nor-east India an Nepal.[1] (Modren scholars canne be shair aboot the dates, but mony pit them aboot a century later.[2])
Wi aboot 500 million folliers, Buddhism is conseedert a major warld releegion, wi aboot 7% o the warld's population.[3] Onlike maist ither releegions, Buddhism isnae centered on a creator Goad.[4]
Fae its origins in India, Buddhism spread tae maist o Asie an noo haes mony folliers in Europe an in North and Sooth Americae.
Buddhism haes twa main forms: Theravada, fund in Sri Lanka an Sootheast Asia; an Mahayana, fund in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan an Vietnam), Tibet, Western China, Mongolia, Bhutan, pairts of India, Nepal an Russia.[5]
The Buddha
[eedit | eedit soorce]Accordin tae tradeetion, Gautama (Gotama in Pāli) lived fae aroond 563 BCE tae aboot 483 BCE.[6] He waes born in the Sakyan Republic,[7] auldest son tae Suddhodana, wha was like tae hae been the heid o the republic's governin cooncil.[8] Tradeetion gies Gautama the forename "Siddhartha" (Sanskrit) or "Siddhattha" (Pāli). Hooaniver, the early screeptures niver caw him bi his first name, whilk daesna appear ontil several hunnert year eftir his deith.[9]
As a loon, Gautama "gaed furth" fae hame, seyin fareweil tae his faither and step-mither,[10] an leain his wife, Yaśodharā (Pali: Yasodharā)[11] an bairn, Rāhula, in their care.[12] His ettle waes tae finn an end tae the sufferin he cuidna chaip in life.
He jined twa speeritual teachers — Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta — ain eftir the ither, maisterin the forms o meditation each taucht, but didna finn the escape fae sufferin he langed fir.[13] He formed his ain community o ascetics, practicin sel-torture and fastin in order tae atteen complete maistery ower hissel. Aince mair, he didna finn an escape fae sufferin, an his ascetic practices brocht him near tae deith.[14]
Takin food aince mair, he minded on a time whan, as a bairn, he'd haed a blissfu experience o meditation ablow a tree. Intuitively, he kent this path o meditation tae be the wey tae liberation.[15] Eftir oors o meditatin deeply, he kent hissel tae hae won tae nibbāna, or the "smorin" o ignorance. He haed, aged 35 year, become "Buddha," meanin "Ane That's Awaukent."[16]
Fae then oan, until his deith at the age o 80, he taucht his path tae awaukenin tae awbody at wid lissen. He gaithered aboot him a "fowerfauld assembly" (cattaro parisā) o monks (bhikkhus), nuns (bhikkhunīs), male hoosehauders (upāsakas), an female hoosehauders (upāsikās).[17]
See forby
[eedit | eedit soorce]References
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ "Life of the Buddha". www.metmuseum.org. Retrieved 28 Januar 2023.
- ↑ "The Dates of the Buddha". Open Learning (in Inglis). Retrieved 14 Februar 2025.
- ↑ Ferguson, Gaylon J. (2020), Yaden, David Bryce; Zhao, Yukun; Peng, Kaiping; Newberg, Andrew B. (eds.), "Buddhism", Rituals and Practices in World Religions (in Inglis), Cham: Springer International Publishing, 5, pp. 59–71, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-27953-0_5, ISBN 978-3-030-27952-3, retrieved 28 Januar 2023
- ↑ Harvey, Peter (2019). Buddhism and monotheism. Cambridge elements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 1. ISBN 978-1-108-73137-9.
- ↑ Eckel, Malcolm David (2002). Buddhism. Oxford University Press. p. 10. ISBN 978-0195219074.
- ↑ Brown, Authors: Kathryn Selig. "Life of the Buddha | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History". The Met’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History (in Inglis). Retrieved 14 Februar 2025.
- ↑ Keown, Damien (2009). Buddhism. A brief insight (Illustrated ed ed.). New York, NY: Sterling. p. 18. ISBN 978-1-4027-6883-5. OCLC 311761089.CS1 maint: extra text (link)
- ↑ Schumann, Hans Wolfgang; Schumann, Hans Wolfgang (2004). The historical Buddha: the times, life, and teachings of the founder of Buddhism. Buddhist tradition series (1. Indian ed ed.). Delhi: Banarsidass. p. 17. ISBN 978-81-208-1817-0.CS1 maint: extra text (link)
- ↑ Blomfield, Vishvapani (2011). Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One. London: Quercus. p. 8. ISBN 9781849164092.
- ↑ Sangharakshita (1991). The Buddha's victory. Glasgow: Windhorse Publ. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-904766-50-9.
- ↑ "Yasodhara". Project Himalayan Art (in Inglis). Retrieved 15 Februar 2025.
- ↑ Gindin, Matthew (29 Januar 2018). "Did the Buddha Really Have a Wife and Son? - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review". Tricycle: The Buddhist Review - The independent voice of Buddhism in the West. (in Inglis). Retrieved 15 Februar 2025.
- ↑ Wynne, Alexander (2007). The origin of Buddhist meditation. Routledge critical studies in Buddhism. London ; New York: Routledge. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-415-42387-8. OCLC 71800589.
- ↑ Blomfield, Vishvapani (2011). Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One. London: Quercus. pp. 68–71. ISBN 9781849164092.
- ↑ Blomfield, Vishvapani (2011). Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One. London: Quercus. p. 71. ISBN 9781849164092.
- ↑ "The Awakened One". Penguin Random House Higher Education (in Inglis). 14 Januar 2025. Retrieved 15 Februar 2025.
- ↑ Harvey, Peter (2005). An introduction to Buddhism: teachings, history, and practices (13. print ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. p. 217. ISBN 978-0-521-31333-9.
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