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Beagle eemage
Tricolor Beagle
Ither namesInglis Beagle
Wecht Male 22–25 lb (10.0–11.3 kg)
Female 20–23 lb (9.1–10.4 kg)
Hicht 13–16 in (33–41 cm)
Coat Short haired, haurd coat o medium lenth
Colour Tricolour or white in combination wi black & tan/broun or broun/tan
Life span 12–15 years
Clessification / staundarts
FCI Group 6, Section 1.3 Scenthounds: Small #161 staundart
AKC Hoond staundart
ANKC Group 4 (Hoonds) staundart
CKC Group 2 – Houonds staundart
KC (UK) Hoond staundart
NZKC Hoond staundart
UKC Scenthoond staundart
Domestic dug (Canis lupus familiaris)

The Beagle is a breed o smaw dug.[1] It wis lang syne uised fir huntin, acause o its braw sense o smell, the heidmaist o ony breed o dug.[2] The Oxford English Dictionary, said the firstlins uise o beagle in Inglish leeteratur wis c. 1475 in The Squire of Low Degree. The oreegin o the wird beagle is doutsome, bit mibbe cam frae the French wird begueule meanin "yett gowl" (en:gate throat). [3]

Caynsham Beagle Foot Pack c 1885

1887, there war 18 beagle packs in Ingland.[4] In 2002 (Scotland) an 2004 (Ingland) fox huntin wi packs o hounds an horses, wis in effect, banned an the law on ony huntin wi dogs wis furder discussed in pairlament in 2010.[5]

Beagles are uised is sniffer dugs fir termite detection in Australie.[6]


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  1. Rice, Dan (2000). The Beagle Handbook. Barron's. pp. 147. ISBN 0764114646.
  2. Fogle, Bruce (1990). The dog's mind: understanding your dog's behaviour. New York: Howell Book House. p. 40. ISBN 0876055137.
  3. "beagle, n.", Oxford English Dictionary (in Inglis) (3 ed.), Oxford University Press, 2 Mairch 2023, doi:10.1093/oed/4978005509. Check |doi= value (help), retrieved 28 November 2024
  4. Kraeuter, Kristine (2001). Training your Beagle. Barron's. pp. 9. ISBN 0764116487.
  5. "Submission to Lord Burns' Committee of Inquiry into Hunting with Dogs from The Mammal Society". webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk. Retrieved 28 November 2024.
  6. "Termite Detection Dogs | The K9 Centre - Dog Training Australia". k9centre.com (in Inglis). Retrieved 28 November 2024.