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Reveesion aes o 19:49, 27 November 2009 bi IMarc89 (Collogue | contribs) (Page creatit)
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Buchanan Street, Glesga
Buchanan Street, Glesga
NameMarc Gamble
Wecht12st 4lbs
OccupationFull-time Student
UniversityThe University of Stirling
Contact info

A hae been a maimber o Wikipædia sin November 2008. Sin syne A hae made several hunner edits tae airticles, feckly anent fitbaa. Maist o these hae been on the Inglis Wikipædia. A hae ontaen the task o keep-up o the airticles on the current seasons o the Scots First, Saicont an Third diveesions frae week to week. A hae startit anely three or fower new airticles on Wikipædia. Forsuith, a maistly spend oors on end readin airticles to by the time that a shoud be scrievin essays an that. Ensaumple, as A scrieve this, A shoud likely be buskin for a presentation or feenishin a stats project or resairchin for an essay on international accoontin cordin. A juist find that Wikipædia haes far mare to offer nor ony o thon things.

A like to think that A hae a raitherly braid ordinar knawledge that can anely be uisful for editin an encyclopædia an in turn readin the airticles in ony encyclopædia is uisful in waxin yer ainn ordinar knawledge. A wadna claim to hae ony sort o definitive knawledge o ony subject, houaniver ma parteecular auries o knawledge are in the accoontin and finance side of things sin that's whit A'm studyin at the varsity. It isna that interestin, but it is guid eneuch for me.

Wikipædia (Scots)

Ma contreibutions

As A mentiont afore, A hae made hunners o contreibutions tae Wikipædia. Some o these contreibutions were smaa fixes o grammar, teepin errors an style; ithers were corrections o factual errors an vandalism; yet mare were big contreibutions o ma ain. The follaein are airticles that a hae made some sort o contreibution tae (leetit frae earliest tae latest, an emboldent N shawn a page that a creatit):

Whit a wad be pleasit tae dae

A'v funnd that a major problem wi the Scots leid Wikipædia is spellin errors. As Scots isna taucht in schuils, mony fowk dinna ken that Scots is a different leid awthegither frae Inglis wi it ain grammar an rules. They mak contreibutions that are based upon whit wey they wad speak. Altho this can sometimes produce correct Scots, maist o the time it disna. The first major task wad be tae gang throu mony o the current airticles an correct spellin mistaks. This is, admeettitly, a gey borin task, but a necessar ane that A intend on unnertakin in the verra near futur.

Wikipedia (Inglis)

Ma contreibutions

The follaein are airticles that a hae made some sort o contreibution tae (leetit frae earliest tae latest, an emboldent N shawn a page that a creatit):

Ma watchit airticles

Altho am aye acceptin o creeticism an aft allou chynges tae ma uplaidit material tae gang unquaistent, the're a few o ma contreibutions that were parteecularly time-consumin. As an eftercome o this, am likely tae ask hou these contreibutions hae been chyngit whan this happens. These are:

A ken that sin this is a uiser-based project, it isna up tae me whit is in an whit is oot. A juist dinna like stamagast. Gin ye want tae update ony o these airticles, obviously feel lowse, houanever gin it is ma wark that ye'r chyngin, a wad apprisee it gin you scrieven tae ma collogue page tae tell me hou ye chyngit it.

Whit a wad be pleasit tae dae

Ane o ma warst problems wi Wikipedia is the diseemilar wey in which pages are set oot. Mony's the time, a'v come across airticles that are for the same teep o thing, but that hae hailly different styles. Ensaumple o this is current season pages for fitbaa clubs. Gin a had aw the time in the warld, a wad chynge aw o them tae be the same. Unsonsily, a'v no got aw the time in the warld. Houanever, gin you wad like tae chynge this an aw, gie's a mail an we can commune ower whit we're gaun'ae dae. Efter aw, mony a mickle maks a muckle whaur Wikipædia is concernt.

Here's a link tae ma Inglis uiser page an ma Inglis collogue page.