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Italian Sign Leid[1] (LIS) is the sign leid uised in the Italy (Repubblica Italiana), San Marino end Swisserland an is the first or preferred leid o deaf fowk in the UE; There are 3,525,000[2], 1.460[3] end 426,800[4] Deaf adults in the UE who uise LIS plus an estimatit children. The leid makes uise o space an involves movement o the hands, body, face an heid. Mony thoosans o fowk who are no deaf an aa uise LIS, as hearin relatives o deaf fowk, sign leid interpreters or as a result o ither contact wi the IItalian deaf community.

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

Category:Leids o Italy Category:Sign leids Category:Deaf cultur