Template:ISO 3166 name
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![]() | This template uises Lua: |
ISO 3166-1
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2: {{ISO 3166 code}} (Eg: IR)
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3: {{ISO 3166 code-3}} (Eg: Template:ISO 3166 code-3)
ISO 3166-1 numeric: {{ISO 3166 numeric}} (Eg: Template:ISO 3166 numeric)
ISO 3166-2
ISO 3166-2: {{ISO 3166 code}} (Eg: IR-32)
ISO 3166-2 name: {{ISO 3166 name}} (Eg: Iran (Islamic Republic o))
Non-ISO 3166
Kintra name: {{Country name}} (Eg: Template:Country name)
This template is pairt o a series that resolves the kintra an subdiveesion names tae ISO 3166-1 an ISO 3166-2 codes, an vice versa.
ISO 3166
ISO 3166 defines names, twa an three letter codes an code nummers for aw kintras an sax chairacter codes (the twa letter kintra code follaed bi a dash an a twa or three chairacter subdiveesion code) for aw tap level subdiveesions.
Uising the faimily o templates
Whan we wish tae convert atween various identifiers that mey lowsely be defined as uiser inpit an ISO 3166 entities, thare mey be mair nor ane wey tae dae ilk conversion. For oor ensaumples we uise Pakistan as the kintra an Balochistan (Pakistan) as the subdiveesion.
The ISO-3166 identifiers for Pakistan are:
- Name: Pakistan
- Alpha-2 code: PK
- Alpha-3 code: PAK
- Numeric code: 586
The ISO-3166 identifiers for Balochistan (Pakistan) is:
- Subdiveesion code:PK-BK
Nou Pakistan an aw haes a nummer o synonyms: for example Pakistán an پاکستان.
Seemilarly Baluchistan is kent, for ensaumple, as Balochistan (on Wikipaedia) an Bagh Sanjari.
- Tae get the Alpha-2 code we can uise
{{ISO 3166 code}}
wi ony o the kintra identifiers.
{{ISO 3166 code|Pakistan}}
PK{{ISO 3166 code|PK}}
PK{{ISO 3166 code|PAK}}
PK{{ISO 3166 code|586}}
PK{{ISO 3166 code|Pakistán}}
PK{{ISO 3166 code|پاکستان}}
- Tae get the Alpha-3 code.
{{ISO 3166 code-3|Pakistan}}
PAK{{ISO 3166 code-3|PK}}
PAK{{ISO 3166 code-3|PAK}}
PAK{{ISO 3166 code-3|586}}
PAK{{ISO 3166 code-3|Pakistán}}
PAK{{ISO 3166 code-3|پاکستان}}
- Findin the name o a kintra.
{{ISO 3166 name|Pakistan}}
Pakistan{{ISO 3166 name|PK}}
Pakistan{{ISO 3166 name|PAK}}
Pakistan{{ISO 3166 name|586}}
Pakistan{{ISO 3166 name|Pakistán}}
Pakistan{{ISO 3166 name|پاکستان}}
- Findin the common name o a kintra.
{{Country name|Pakistan}}
Pakistan{{Country name|PK}}
Pakistan{{Country name|PAK}}
Pakistan{{Country name|586}}
Pakistan{{Country name|Pakistán}}
Pakistan{{Country name|پاکستان}}
- Findin the numeric code o a kintra.
{{ISO 3166 numeric|Pakistan}}
586{{ISO 3166 numeric|PK}}
586{{ISO 3166 numeric|PAK}}
586{{ISO 3166 numeric|586}}
586{{ISO 3166 numeric|Pakistán}}
- The subdiveesion code can be obteened in the follaein weys.
{{ISO 3166 code|Pakistan|Baluchistan}}
PK-BA{{ISO 3166 code|Pakistan|Balochistan}}
PK-BA{{ISO 3166 code|Pakistan|Bagh Sanjari}}
PK-BA{{ISO 3166 code|Pakistán|Baluchistan}}
PK-BA{{ISO 3166 code|Paquistán|Balochistan}}
PK-BA{{ISO 3166 code|PK|Baluchistan}}
[[Category:ISO 3166 code frae name kintra templates|]]