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Template:Fix Scots/doc

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

This template is meant to be used to tag articles that have been written in Scotched English.

The simplest way to use this template is to copy and paste {{Fix Scots|date=Januar 2025}} at the top of the article.


[eedit soorce]

You may use a date parameter with this template, for example {{Fix Scots|date=Januar 2025}} to help with the categorisation of articles that need fixing. If you leave it out, a bot will fill it in (but this will result in more edits and watchlist alerts, so adding the date right away is preferred).


[eedit soorce]
This is the TemplateData documentation for the template used by the new VisualEditor.

Fix Scots

This template should only be put on articles which are written in [[Scotched English]].

Template parameters


The date this template was added to the page. (Input: Monthname Year)

Auto value

Maintenance Categories

[eedit soorce]