Rhodri Morgan
Hywel Rhodri Morgan AM (born 29 September 1939; died 17 Mey 2017) wis a Welsh politeecian; the Labour Naitional Assembly for Wales Member for the constituency o Cairdiff Wast; an the seicont First Meenister o Wales.
- 1939 births
- Alumni o St John's College, Oxford
- Fowk eddicatit at Whitchurch Grammar Schuil, Cardiff
- Breetish humanists
- First Meenisters o Wales
- Harvard Varsity alumni
- Labour Pairty (UK) MPs
- Leaders o poleetical pairties in Wales
- 2017 daiths
- Welsh Labour Members o the Naitional Assembly for Wales
- Members o the Privy Cooncil o the Unitit Kinrick
- Members o the Unitit Kinrick Pairlament for Welsh constituencies
- Members o the Welsh Assemmly Govrenment
- Fowk frae Cardiff
- Politics o Cardiff
- UK MPs 1987–1992
- UK MPs 1992–1997
- UK MPs 1997–2001
- Wales AMs 1999–2003
- Wales AMs 2003–07
- Wales AMs 2007–11
- Welsh humanists
- Welsh Labour politeecians
- Welsh socialists
- Welsh-speakin fowk