Pat Rabbitte
Pat Rabbitte (born 18 Mey 1949) is a politeecian in the Republic o Ireland, an a member o the Irish pairlament in Dublin, representin the Labour Pairty. He represents the Sooth-wast Dublin consteetuency in Dáil Éireann, an haes been the chief o his pairty syne 2002.
- 1949 births
- Livin fowk
- Alumni o Varsity College Galway
- Cooncillors o Dublin Coonty Cooncil
- Democratic Left (Ireland) politeecians
- Leaders o the Labour Pairty (Ireland)
- Local cooncillors in Sooth Dublin (coonty)
- Members o the 26t Dáil
- Members o the 27t Dáil
- Members o the 28t Dáil
- Members o the 29t Dáil
- Members o the 30t Dáil
- Members o the 31st Dáil
- Politeecians frae Coonty Mayo
- Teachtaí Dála
- Wirkers' Pairty o Ireland politeecians
- Meenisters o State o the 27t Dáil