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Palmira (Greek leid Πάλμυρα) is an auncient kintra an ceety that is nou in Sirie.
History o Palmira
[eedit | eedit soorce]Early history
[eedit | eedit soorce]The Bible said it's the Salomon keeng wha constructit the ceety (« An he biggit Tadmor in the desert »).
Integreitit tae Roman Impire bi Tiberius, in the Roman Province o Sirie.
- In the IIId century Palmira escapit tae the Persie invasions o Sirie in 252 eft. J.-C. an 260 eft. J.-C.. Efter 260 eft. J.-C., it wis Odenat a Palmirian notable, wha wis chargit bi the Imperor Gallien tae coordonat links wi Orient. When his wumman Zenobie temptit tae tak the pawer as Imperatris wi her son Wahballat, Palmira wis involvit in the Roman Civil Weir. In 273 eft. J.-C., beatit bi Aurelius in Antioch an Emes, Zenobie tak her troops tae Palmira-ceety whaur Aurelius cam tae pursue. She wis arreisted. Aurelius let in Palmira a little restin-troop an gang back tae Rome. At this moment in the ceety thar wis a riot tae gie the pawer tae the fither o Zenobie. Aurelius gang back tae beat the ceety, its temples war destructit.
- In the IVt century an efter Palmira wis ne'er the glorious commercial ceety 't wis affore. It wis jast an airmy-ceety.

The Islamic Ceety
[eedit | eedit soorce]Palmira wis taken in the VIIt century bi Muslim fowks, when it open't its doors in 634 tae Khalid ibn al-Walid. Unner the Omeyyads Kalifs, the ceety became bigger. The main street givin tae the Colonnades becam a souq (Arab street mercat). The Kalifs mad big in the suburbs o Palmira luxurious domains, lik Bkhara in the Sooth East or the Palas o Hisham in Qasr el Heyr el Gharbi, West o the ceety. Palmira itself hae tae support the civil weirs that gied finally the end o the Omeyyads.
The ceety wis ravagit an pillit bi Timur, bat a relief wis felt. In the XVt century Ibn Fadlallah al-Omari said Tadmor (the ither name o Palmira) sayin it haes "vast gardens, prosper commerce an curious biggins ». In the XVIt century Fakhr ed-Din al Maany the Qalat Ibn Maan mad an immens Stronghold, on the dominant ben on the West side o the ceety. In Ottoman Time, Palmira loses its commercial an agricultural pawer. In the XVIIt century the ceety seem't tae hae its gey primitive proportions again : It is nae mair nor a veeleage lost in its auld protectin walls. Aathing haes ben abandoned.

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