Numerical digit

A digit is a type o seembol (a numeral seembol, such as "2" or "5") used in combinations to represent numbers (such as "25") in positional numeral seestems. The name "digit" comes frae the fact that the 10 digits (auncient Laitin digiti meanin fingers) o the hands correspond tae the 10 seembols o the common base 10 nummer seestem, i.e. the decimal (auncient Laitin adjective dec. meanin ten) digits.
In a gien nummer seestem, if the base is an integer, the nummer o digits required is always equal tae the absolute value o the base. For example, the decimal seestem (base 10) haes ten digits (0 through tae 9), whauras binary (base 2) haes twa digits (0 an 1).