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Nek at a concert in Assago, Barcelona, Spain
Background information
Birth nameFilippo Neviani
Born (1972-01-06) 6 Januar 1972 (age 53)[1]
OreiginSassuolo, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
GenresPop, rock, pop rock, Latin pop
InstrumentsGuitar, bass
Years active1991–present
LabelsFonit Cetra, Don't Worry, Warner Music
Associate actsSanremo Music Festival

Nek (born Filippo Neviani, 6 Januar 1972, Sassuolo, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) is a popular contemporar Italian sangster-sangwriter.

Some o his hits include "Laura non c'è" (in Spainyie: "Laura no está"), which became a major hit in Europe an Laitin Americae in 1997, bein ane o the maist listened sangs o that year, an "Almeno stavolta".

Nek records an performs in baith Italian an Spainyie.

Personal life

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On 2 September 2006 Nek marriet Patrizia Vacondio. They hav a dochter, Beatrice Neviani, born 12 September 2010.


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  1. a b c d e Deregibus, Enrico (2006). Dizionario completo della Canzone Italiana [The complete dictionary of Italian Song] (in Italian). Giunti Editore. p. 332. ISBN 9788809756250. Retrieved 31 Januar 2016.

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