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Marguerite Thérèse Rouillé

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Marguerite Thérèse Rouillé
Marquise o Noailles
Duchess o Richelieu
Marguerite Thérèse wi her twa dochters bi Largilliere 1689.
Full name
Marguerite Thérèse Rouillé
Dee'd27 October 1729 (aged 69)
BuiriedKirk o Saint-Sulpice, Paris
Nobilityo Noailles (bi mairiage)
Spoose(s)Jean François de Noailles, Marquis o Noailles (1687)
Armand Jean de Vignerot du Plessis, Duke o Richelieu (1702)
Louise Antoinette
Anne Catherine, Duchess o Richelieu
FaitherJean Rouillé, Marquis o Meslay,
MitherMarie Anne de Comans d'Astric

Marguerite Thérèse Rouillé (1660 - 27 October 1729) wis a member o the minor French nobility bi birth a wis later the Marquise o Noailles bi mairiage, then the Duchess o Richelieu bi her seicont mairiage.

Background an faimily

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Marguerite Thérèse wis a dochter o Jean Rouillé, Coont, then Marquis o Meslay, a minor diplomat, an his wife Marie Anne de Comans d'Astric.

First mairiage

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In 1687, Mademoiselle de Meslay mairit Jean François de Noailles, Marquis o Noailles, a son o Anne de Noailles, Duke o Noailles o the Hoose o Noailles.

  1. Louise Antoinette de Noailles (25 Februar 1688 - 21 August 1690) died in infancy.
  2. Anne Catherine de Noailles (28 September 1694 - 7 November 1716) mairit Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, Duke o Richelieu, nae issue.

Seicont mairiage

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In Paris, on 20 Mairch 1702, she mairit Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, Duke o Richelieu great-nephew o Cardinal Richelieu. Thay haed nae issue.


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  • 1660 - 4 Mey 1687 - Mademoiselle de Meslay[1]
  • 4 Mey 1687 - 23 Juin 1692 The Marquise o Noailles.
  • 23 Juin 1692 - 20 Mairch 1702 The Dowager Marquise o Noailles.
  • 20 Mairch 1702 - 27 October 1729 The Duchess o Richelieu.


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