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Jean François de Noailles, Marquis o Noailles

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Jean François de Noailles
Marquis o Noailles
Jean François' wife an childer bi Largilliere 1689.
Full name
Jean François de Noailles
Born28 August 1658
Dee'd23 Juin 1692 (aged 33)
Nobilityo Noailles
Spoose(s)Marguerite Thérèse Rouillé
Louise Antoinette
Anne Catherine, Duchess o Richelieu
FaitherAnne de Noailles
MitherLouise Boyer

Jean François de Noailles, Marquis o Noailles 28 August 1658 - 23 Juin 1692) wis a French nobleman an wis kent bi his title o "Marquis of Noailles" (marquis de Noailles) He wis a member o the Hoose o Noailles. He wis an aa a Maréchal de camp an a brither o the Cardinal de Noailles


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Noailles mairit Marguerite Thérèse Rouillé in 1687 an haed twa childer.


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  1. Louise Antoinette de Noailles (25 Februar 1688 - 21 August 1690) died in infancy.
  2. Anne Catherine de Noailles (28 September 1694 - 7 November 1716) mairit Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, Duke o Richelieu, nae childer.