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Marduk (Sumerian spellin in Akkadian: AMAR.UTU 𒀫𒌓 "solar cauf"; aiblins frae MERI.DUG; Biblical Hebrew מְרֹדַךְ Merodach; Greek Μαρδοχαῖος, Mardochaios) wis the Babylonian name o a late-generation god frae auncient Mesopotamie an patron deity o the ceety o Babylon, who, when Babylon became the poleetical centre o the Euphrates valley in the time o Hammurabi (18t century BCE), stairtit tae slowly rise tae the poseetion o the heid o the Babylonian pantheon, a poseetion he fully acquired bi the seicont hauf o the seicont millennium BCE. In the perfectit seestem o astrology, the planet Jupiter wis associatit wi Marduk bi the Hammurabi period.