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Lila Downs

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Lila Downs
Lila Downs in Oaxaca, Mexico
at the concert Soul of Mexico in 2009.
Background information
Birth nameAna Lila Downs Sánchez
Born (1968-09-09) 9 September 1968 (age 56)
OreiginTlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico
GenresWarld muisic
InstrumentsVoice, guitar
Years active1990–present
LabelsSony Music, Columbia

Ana Lila Downs Sánchez, best kent as Lila Downs (born 9 September 1968) is a Mexican sangseer-sangwriter. She performs her awn compositions as well as tappin intae Mexican tradeetional an popular muisic. She incorporates indigenous Mexican influences an haes recordit sangs in indigenous leids such as Mixtec, Zapotec, Mayan, Nahuatl an P'urhépecha an aw.

Her debut album, La Sandunga, wis released in 1999. She achievit internaitional success in 2001 wi the album Border which emergit in the muisic scene o Mexico an Laitin Americae in the early 2000s (decade). Douns began performin in schuil, demonstratin her vocal ability wi tradeetional muisic, Laitin an American influences, an wi her awn oreeginal twist on dancin. Downs is a native Spainyie speaker, an speaks fluent Inglis an Mixtec an aw.[1][2]


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  • Lotería Cantada (2006)
  • The Very Best Of/El Alma de Lila Downs [CD+DVD] (EMI 2008)


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  1. Bernard, Lori (18 Mairch 2004). "Lila Downs". All Music. Retrieved 4 Mairch 2012.
  2. Collette, Mark (18 Apryle 2008). "Lila Downs". NPR. Retrieved 4 Mairch 2012.

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