Leet o constellations bi area
The buird ablo ranks the 88 modern constellations bi the solid angle that thay subtend in the lift, measured in square degrees n millisteradians.
Thir solid angles depend oan arbitrie boundaries atween the constellations: the leet ablo is based oan constellation boundaries drawn up bi Eugène Delporte in 1930 oan behalf o the IAU n publeesht in Délimitation scientifique des constellations (Cambridge Varsity Press). Afore Delporte's wairk, thaur wis nae precise leet o the boundaries o ilka constellation.
Delporte drew the boundaries alang verteecal n horizontal lines o richt ascension n declination; houever, he did sae fer the epoch B1875.0, this means that cause o the precession o the equinoxes, the borders oan ae modern stair cairt (e.g., fer epoch J2000) ar awreadie ae wee bit aff kilter n ar nae langer perfectlie vertical or horizontal. This skew will graw ower the years n centuairs tae come. Houever, this disna chynge the solid angle o onie constellation.
Rank | Familie [1] | Abbrev. | Constellation | Solid angle ("Aurie") (sq. deg.) [2] |
Solid angle (millisteradians) |
Percentage | Richt ascension (hoors & mins) [3] |
Declinaition (degs & mins) |
Quad [4] |
01 | Her | Hya | Hydra | 1302.844 | 396.869 | 3.16% | 11 36.73 | −14 31.91 | SQ2 |
02 | Zod | Vir | Virgo | 1294.428 | 394.305 | 3.14% | 13 24.39 | −04 09.51 | SQ3 |
03 | Urs | UMa | Ursa Major | 1279.660 | 389.807 | 3.10% | 11 18.76 | +50 43.27 | NQ2 |
04 | Per | Cet | Cetus | 1231.411 | 375.109 | 2.99% | 01 40.10 | −07 10.76 | SQ1 |
05 | Her | Her | Hercules | 1225.148 | 373.201 | 2.97% | 17 23.16 | +27 29.93 | NQ3 |
06 | Wat | Eri | Eridanus | 1137.919 | 346.630 | 2.76% | 03 18.02 | −28 45.37 | SQ1 |
07 | Per | Peg | Pegasus | 1120.794 | 341.413 | 2.72% | 22 41.84 | +19 27.98 | NQ4 |
08 | Urs | Dra | Draco | 1082.952 | 329.886 | 2.63% | 15 08.64 | +67 00.40 | NQ3 |
09 | Her | Cen | Centaurus | 1060.422 | 323.023 | 2.57% | 13 04.27 | −47 20.72 | SQ3 |
10 | Zod | Aqr | Aquarius | 979.854 | 298.481 | 2.38% | 22 17.38 | −10 47.35 | SQ4 |
11 | Her | Oph | Ophiuchus | 948.340 | 288.881 | 2.30% | 17 23.69 | −07 54.74 | SQ3 |
12 | Zod | Leo | Leo | 946.964 | 288.462 | 2.30% | 10 40.03 | +13 08.32 | NQ2 |
13 | Urs | Boo | Boötes | 906.831 | 276.237 | 2.20% | 14 42.64 | +31 12.16 | NQ3 |
14 | Zod | Psc | Pisces | 889.417 | 270.932 | 2.16% | 00 28.97 | +13 41.23 | NQ1 |
15 | Zod | Sgr | Sagittarius | 867.432 | 264.235 | 2.10% | 19 05.94 | −28 28.61 | SQ4 |
16 | Her | Cyg | Cygnus | 803.983 | 244.907 | 1.95% | 20 35.28 | +44 32.70 | NQ4 |
17 | Zod | Tau | Taurus | 797.249 | 242.856 | 1.93% | 04 42.13 | +14 52.63 | NQ1 |
18 | Urs | Cam | Camelopardalis | 756.828 | 230.543 | 1.83% | 08 51.37 | +69 22.89 | NQ2 |
19 | Per | And | Andromeda | 722.278 | 220.018 | 1.75% | 00 48.46 | +37 25.91 | NQ1 |
20 | Wat | Pup | Puppis | 673.434 | 205.140 | 1.63% | 07 15.48 | −31 10.64 | SQ2 |
21 | Per | Aur | Auriga | 657.438 | 200.267 | 1.59% | 06 04.42 | +42 01.68 | NQ2 |
22 | Her | Aql | Aquila | 652.473 | 198.755 | 1.58% | 19 40.02 | +03 24.65 | NQ4 |
23 | Her | Ser | Serpens [5] | 636.928 | 194.019 | 1.54% | 16 57.04 | +06 07.32 | NQ3 |
24 | Per | Per | Perseus | 614.997 | 187.339 | 1.49% | 03 10.50 | +45 00.79 | NQ1 |
25 | Per | Cas | Cassiopeia | 598.407 | 182.285 | 1.45% | 01 19.16 | +62 11.04 | NQ1 |
26 | Ori | Ori | Orion | 594.120 | 180.979 | 1.44% | 05 34.59 | +05 56.94 | NQ1 |
27 | Per | Cep | Cepheus | 587.787 | 179.050 | 1.42% | 02 32.64 | +71 00.51 | NQ4 |
28 | Urs | Lyn | Lynx | 545.386 | 166.134 | 1.32% | 07 59.53 | +47 28.00 | NQ2 |
29 | Zod | Lib | Libra | 538.052 | 163.900 | 1.30% | 15 11.96 | −15 14.08 | SQ3 |
30 | Zod | Gem | Gemini | 513.761 | 156.501 | 1.25% | 07 04.24 | +22 36.01 | NQ2 |
31 | Zod | Cnc | Cancer | 505.872 | 154.097 | 1.23% | 08 38.96 | +19 48.35 | NQ2 |
32 | Wat | Vel | Vela | 499.649 | 152.202 | 1.21% | 09 34.64 | −47 10.03 | SQ2 |
33 | Zod | Sco | Scorpius | 496.783 | 151.329 | 1.20% | 16 53.24 | −27 01.89 | SQ3 |
34 | Wat | Car | Carina | 494.184 | 150.537 | 1.20% | 08 41.70 | −63 13.16 | SQ2 |
35 | Ori | Mon | Monoceros | 481.569 | 146.694 | 1.17% | 07 03.63 | +00 16.93 | NQ2 |
36 | Lac | Scl | Sculptor | 474.764 | 144.621 | 1.15% | 00 26.28 | −32 05.30 | SQ1 |
37 | Bay | Phe | Phoenix | 469.319 | 142.963 | 1.14% | 00 55.91 | −48 34.84 | SQ1 |
38 | Urs | CVn | Canes Venatici | 465.194 | 141.706 | 1.13% | 13 06.96 | +40 06.11 | NQ3 |
39 | Zod | Ari | Aries | 441.395 | 134.457 | 1.07% | 02 38.16 | +20 47.54 | NQ1 |
40 | Zod | Cap | Capricornus | 413.947 | 126.095 | 1.00% | 21 02.93 | −18 01.39 | SQ4 |
41 | Lac | For | Fornax | 397.502 | 121.086 | 0.96% | 02 47.88 | −31 38.07 | SQ1 |
42 | Urs | Com | Coma Berenices | 386.475 | 117.727 | 0.94% | 12 47.27 | +23 18.34 | NQ3 |
43 | Ori | CMa | Canis Major | 380.118 | 115.791 | 0.92% | 06 49.74 | −22 08.42 | SQ2 |
44 | Bay | Pav | Pavo | 377.666 | 115.044 | 0.92% | 19 36.71 | −65 46.89 | SQ4 |
45 | Bay | Gru | Grus | 365.513 | 111.342 | 0.89% | 22 27.39 | −46 21.11 | SQ4 |
46 | Her | Lup | Lupus | 333.683 | 101.646 | 0.81% | 15 13.21 | −42 42.53 | SQ3 |
47 | Her | Sex | Sextans | 313.515 | 95.502 | 0.76% | 10 16.29 | −02 36.88 | SQ2 |
48 | Bay | Tuc | Tucana | 294.557 | 89.727 | 0.71% | 23 46.64 | −65 49.80 | SQ4 |
49 | Bay | Ind | Indus | 294.006 | 89.559 | 0.71% | 21 58.33 | −59 42.40 | SQ4 |
50 | Lac | Oct | Octans | 291.045 | 88.657 | 0.71% | 23 00.00 | −82 09.12 | SQ4 |
51 | Ori | Lep | Lepus | 290.291 | 88.428 | 0.70% | 05 33.95 | −19 02.78 | SQ1 |
52 | Her | Lyr | Lyra | 286.476 | 87.266 | 0.69% | 18 51.17 | +36 41.36 | NQ4 |
53 | Her | Crt | Crater | 282.398 | 86.023 | 0.68% | 11 23.75 | −15 55.74 | SQ2 |
54 | Wat | Col | Columba | 270.184 | 82.303 | 0.65% | 05 51.76 | −35 05.67 | SQ1 |
55 | Her | Vul | Vulpecula | 268.165 | 81.688 | 0.65% | 20 13.88 | +24 26.56 | NQ4 |
56 | Urs | UMi | Ursa Minor | 255.864 | 77.941 | 0.62% | 15 00.00 | +77 41.99 | NQ3 |
57 | Lac | Tel | Telescopium | 251.512 | 76.615 | 0.61% | 19 19.54 | −51 02.21 | SQ4 |
58 | Lac | Hor | Horologium | 248.885 | 75.815 | 0.60% | 03 16.56 | −53 20.18 | SQ1 |
59 | Lac | Pic | Pictor | 246.739 | 75.161 | 0.60% | 05 42.46 | −53 28.45 | SQ1 |
60 | Wat | PsA | Piscis Austrinus | 245.375 | 74.745 | 0.59% | 22 17.07 | −30 38.53 | SQ4 |
61 | Bay | Hyi | Hydrus | 243.035 | 74.033 | 0.59% | 02 20.65 | −69 57.39 | SQ1 |
62 | Lac | Ant | Antlia | 238.901 | 72.773 | 0.58% | 10 16.43 | −32 29.01 | SQ2 |
63 | Her | Ara | Ara | 237.057 | 72.212 | 0.57% | 17 22.49 | −56 35.30 | SQ3 |
64 | Urs | LMi | Leo Minor | 231.956 | 70.658 | 0.56% | 10 14.72 | +32 08.08 | NQ2 |
65 | Wat | Pyx | Pyxis | 220.833 | 67.270 | 0.54% | 08 57.16 | −27 21.10 | SQ2 |
66 | Lac | Mic | Microscopium | 209.513 | 63.821 | 0.51% | 20 57.88 | −36 16.49 | SQ4 |
67 | Bay | Aps | Apus | 206.327 | 62.851 | 0.50% | 16 08.65 | −75 18.00 | SQ3 |
68 | Per | Lac | Lacerta | 200.688 | 61.133 | 0.49% | 22 27.68 | +46 02.51 | NQ4 |
69 | Wat | Del | Delphinus | 188.549 | 57.435 | 0.46% | 20 41.61 | +11 40.26 | NQ4 |
70 | Her | Crv | Corvus | 183.801 | 55.989 | 0.45% | 12 26.52 | −18 26.20 | SQ3 |
71 | Ori | CMi | Canis Minor | 183.367 | 55.857 | 0.44% | 07 39.17 | +06 25.63 | NQ2 |
72 | Bay | Dor | Dorado | 179.173 | 54.579 | 0.43% | 05 14.51 | −59 23.22 | SQ1 |
73 | Urs | CrB | Corona Borealis | 178.710 | 54.438 | 0.43% | 15 50.59 | +32 37.49 | NQ3 |
74 | Lac | Nor | Norma | 165.290 | 50.350 | 0.40% | 15 54.18 | −51 21.09 | SQ3 |
75 | Lac | Men | Mensa | 153.484 | 46.754 | 0.37% | 05 24.90 | −77 30.24 | SQ1 |
76 | Bay | Vol | Volans | 141.354 | 43.059 | 0.34% | 07 47.73 | −69 48.07 | SQ2 |
77 | Bay | Mus | Musca | 138.355 | 42.145 | 0.34% | 12 35.28 | −70 09.66 | SQ3 |
78 | Per | Tri | Triangulum | 131.847 | 40.163 | 0.32% | 02 11.07 | +31 28.56 | NQ1 |
79 | Bay | Cha | Chamaeleon | 131.592 | 40.085 | 0.32% | 10 41.53 | −79 12.30 | SQ2 |
80 | Her | CrA | Corona Australis | 127.696 | 38.898 | 0.31% | 18 38.79 | −41 08.85 | SQ4 |
81 | Lac | Cae | Caelum | 124.865 | 38.036 | 0.30% | 04 42.27 | −37 52.90 | SQ1 |
82 | Lac | Ret | Reticulum | 113.936 | 34.707 | 0.28% | 03 55.27 | −59 59.85 | SQ1 |
83 | Her | TrA | Triangulum Australe | 109.978 | 33.501 | 0.27% | 16 04.95 | −65 23.28 | SQ3 |
84 | Her | Sct | Scutum | 109.114 | 33.238 | 0.26% | 18 40.39 | −09 53.32 | SQ4 |
85 | Lac | Cir | Circinus | 93.353 | 28.437 | 0.23% | 14 34.54 | −63 01.82 | SQ3 |
86 | Her | Sge | Sagitta | 79.932 | 24.349 | 0.19% | 19 39.05 | +18 51.68 | NQ4 |
87 | Wat | Equ | Equuleus | 71.641 | 21.823 | 0.17% | 21 11.26 | +07 45.49 | NQ4 |
88 | Her | Cru | Crux | 68.447 | 20.850 | 0.17% | 12 26.99 | −60 11.19 | SQ3 |
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ 'Familie' abbreviations that correspond til the Constellation Familie Abbreviations: Per=Perseus, Urs=Ursa Mukle, Her=Hercules, Zod=Zodiacal, Ori=Orion, Wat=Heaenlie watters, Bay=J. Bayer, Lac=La Caille (see the Leet o constellations).
- ↑ The total solid angle o aw constellations is the total solid angle o the lift, n this is exactlie 4π steradians, or 4π × (180/π)2 = 129,600/π square degrees, or approximatelie 41,252.961 square degrees. The figurs oan the buird dinna sum exactlie til this nummer cause o roundin mistaks, thir vanish whan the auries ar roundit in steid til yin decimal place.
- ↑ Richt ascension n declination o the midpoints o the constellations.
- ↑ "Quad" designates the quadrant o the lift aes N fer North or S fer South, Quadrant 1 throuch 4.
- ↑ Serpens is dividit intil the twa pairts:
Serpens Caput ("The Serpant's Heid"; 428.484 sq. deg.; midpoint: RA: 15 46.49, Dec: +10 58.20), n
Serpens Cauda ("The Serpant's Tail"; 208.444 sq. deg.; midpoint: RA: 18 07.60, Dec: -04 51.73)