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Klepetan an Malena

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Klepetan and Malena
A pictur o Klepetan an Malena

Klepetan an Malena are twa storks [en] wha becam renowned i Croatie faer their romantic endeavors. Frae 2001 til his daith i 2019, Klepetan travelit frae South Africa tae Brodski Varoš, Croatia, every spring tae mate wi Malena, who wis unable tae travel due tae a gunshot injurie.[1][2]


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  1. "Klepetan and Malena – Croatia's most Unusual Love Story". Total Croatia News (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 4 Apryle 2023. Retrieved 27 December 2019.
  2. "Klepetan Returns to Malena for the Last Time Before Passing Away". Total Croatia News (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 4 Apryle 2023. Retrieved 27 December 2019.

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