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Great Andamanese leids

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The Great Andamanese leids ar aa near extinct[1] leid family spoken bi the Great Andamanese fowks o the Andaman Islands, a union territory o Indie.

The leids an their clessifeecation

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Precontact an current distribution o Anamanese leids
Precontact an current distribution o Anamanese leids

The Andaman leids fall intae twa clear faimilies, Great Andamanese an Ongan, plus ane unattested leid, Sentinelese. These ar ordinar seen as relatit.[2] Hooiver, the seemilarities atween Great Andamanese an Ongan ar so far mainly o a typological morphological naitur, wi little demonstratit common vocabulary.[3] Tharefor, even lang-range resairchers sic as Joseph Greenberg hae expressit douts as tae the validity o Andamanese as a faimily,[4] and Abbi conseeders the survivin Great Andamanese leid tae be an isolate.[5] The Great Andaman leids ar:

Great Andamanese (spoken bi Great Andamanese fowks)

Joseph Greenberg proposit that Great Andamanese is relatit tae western Papuan leids as members o a lairger phylum he caa'd Indo-Pacific,[4] but this is na generally acceptit bi ither linguists. Stephen Wurm states that the lexical seemilarities atween Great Andamanese an the West Papuan an certain leids o Timor "ar quite strikin an amount tae virtual formal identity […] in a number o instances", but conseeders this tae be due tae a linguistic substratum raither than a direct relationship.[7]


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  1. Sarkar, Jayanta (1990). The Jarawa. The ASI Andaman and Nicobar Island tribe series. Calcutta: Seagull Books on behalf of the Anthropological Survey of India. ISBN 978-81-7046-080-0.
  2. Steever, Sanford (28 Apryle 2014), "Dravidian Languages", Linguistics, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-977281-0, retrieved 17 September 2024
  3. Sharma, A. N. (2003). Tribal Development in Andaman Islands (in Inglis). Sarup & Sons. ISBN 978-81-7625-347-5.
  4. a b "The Indo-Pacific Hypothesis", Linguistics in Oceania, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 807–876, 31 December 1971, retrieved 17 September 2024
  5. Abbi, Anvita (1 November 2009). "Is Great Andamanese genealogically and typologically distinct from Onge and Jarawa?". Language Sciences. 31 (6): 791–812. doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2008.02.002. ISSN 0388-0001.
  6. "InfoChange India News & Features development news India - The case for a linguistic survey". web.archive.org. 24 Apryle 2010. Archived frae the original on 24 Apryle 2010. Retrieved 17 September 2024.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  7. "PapuaWeb: Pacific Linguistics (Wurm et al 1975)". web.archive.org. 20 Juin 2010. Archived frae the original on 20 Juin 2010. Retrieved 17 September 2024.