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Georgie–Turkey relations

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Georgie–Turkis relations are foreign relations atween Georgie an Turkey. Efter the dissolution o the Soviet Union, Turkey recognised the unthirldom o Georgie on 16 December 1991.[1] The formal Protocol on the Establishment o Diplomatic Relations atween the twa kintras wis signed on 21 Mey 1992.[1] A free trade agreement is currently in force.[1] Georgie haes an embassy in Ankara,[2] an twa consulates–general in Istanbul an Trabzon. Turkey haes an embassy in Tbilisi,[3] an a consulate–general in Batumi. Baith kintras are full members o the Cooncil o Europe, the Organisation for Security an Co-operation in Europe, the BLACKSEAFOR (Black Sea Naval Co-operation Task Group), the Organisation o the Black Sea Economic Cooperation an the Warld Tred Organisation. Turkey is already a member o NATO, while Georgie is a candidate.


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