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Desouk (Arabic: دسوقdɪˈsuːʔ) is a ceety in the Kafr el-Sheikh Govrenorate, Egyp, aboot 167km north o Cairo, in the Nile Delta. Fae Dizember 2009, the toun haed a population o 129,604 fowk.

Notable residents

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  • Ibrahim El-Desouki, Muslim saunt.
  • Ahmed Zewail, Egyptian-American scientist.[1]


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  1. "Egyptian figures, Ahmed H. Zewail". sis.gov.eg. Archived frae the original on 16 October 2010. Retrieved 28 December 2010.

Coordinates: 31°8′32″N 30°38′42″E / 31.14222°N 30.64500°E / 31.14222; 30.64500