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Coat o airms o Mongolie

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State emblem o Mongolie

The state emblem o Mongolie[1][2][3][4][5] (Mongolian:Монгол улсын төрийн сүлд}}, Mongol ulsyn töriin süld) is uised bi the govrenment o Mongolie as its seembol o state. It is offeecially uised for example on documents such as Mongolian passports, an govrenment an embassy placards.


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The state emblem wis adoptit on Mairch 25, 1992, follaein the faw o the Communist govrenment. The details o it are laid oot in Chapter 1, Article 12(2) o the Constitution o Mongolie.[1][5]

The outer rim features a tumen nasan, seembolisin eternity, surroondin a circular blue field, seembolisin the sky. On the centre o the field is a combination o the Soyombo seembol an the wind horse (treasured steed), seembolisin Mongolie's unthirldom, sovereignty, an spirit. Abuin the field is a Cintamani, representin the Buddhist Three Jewels, which in Mongolian folklore grants wishes. Below the central emblem is a green mountain range, wi the Wheel o Dharma at the center. On the bottom o the mountain range an wheel is a khadag, a ceremonial scarf.[1]


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  1. a b c "Chapter 1, Article 12(2)", Constitution of Mongolia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mongolia, archived frae the original on 22 Julie 2011, retrieved 10 October 2010
  2. "Chapter 1, Article 12(2)", Constitution of Mongolia, Embassy of Mongolia in the United States of America, archived frae the original on 26 September 2010, retrieved 21 October 2010
  3. "Chapter 1, Article 12(2)", Constitution of Mongolia, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, archived frae the original on 16 October 2012, retrieved 21 October 2010
  4. "Chapter 1, Article 12(2)", The Constitution of Mongolia, New York University School of Law, archived frae the original on 15 August 2010, retrieved 21 October 2010
  5. a b "Chapter 1, Article 12(2)", Mongolia - Constitution, Universität Bern, retrieved 10 October 2010