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Aylin Nazlıaka

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Aylin Nazlıaka
Personal details
Born (1968-12-03) 3 December 1968 (age 56)
Ankara, Turkey
Poleetical pairtyRepublican Fowkpairty (CHP)
ThriftPoliteecian, Economist

Aylin Nazlıaka (born 3 December 1968) is a Turkis businesswumman an politeecian wi the Republican Fowkpairty (CHP). Memmer o Parliament.[1] She is the memmer o EU Commission o Compliance an Turkey-EU Jynt Parliamentary Commission at Turkis Grand Naitional Assembly.

Born in Ankara. Faither's name is Mehmet Kenan, mither's name is Göksel. Graduatit wi an Economics degree frae Middle East Technical University. Her career stairtit at Koç Holding. When agit 24, she formit her awn company. She became a leadin name in human resoorces field in Turkey. She haes wirkit in ceevil organisations lik Peryön, Private Employment Agencies Association an Endeavor as foondin memmer an aw, buird memmer an advisory buird memmer. She hostit a weekly live program İş ve Kariyer Dünyası. She haes lectured at Bilkent University on human resoorces. She wis chosen the "Business wumman o the year" for 2001. In 2002, she wis gien the ODTÜ Honorary Awaird, "Young Business wumman o the year" awaird in 2008, "Awairds for fowk touchin lives" an "Weemen's Platform" in 2012. She speaks Inglis (heich level). Marriet (2 childer).


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  1. "Aylin Nazlıaka". Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi. Archived frae the original on 1 September 2011. Retrieved 5 September 2011.

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