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Aryan League

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The Aryan League (an aa Naitional Socialist Aryan League) is an Iranian Neo-Nazi poleetical pairty. It wis foondit bi umwhile members o the Pan-Iranist Pairty who left that group due tae their racialist beliefs. Their statit goal is, "Tae return tae Iran an her Aryan fowk their pride & glorious legacy o sax thoosan years past. Tae reawaken an restore the ancient Aryan spiritual & cultural heritage an the total eradication o aw foreign elements in the modren Iranian society."

The conservative Kayhan an Ettelaat newspapers hae reportit on the possibility that the NSAL an SUMKA actually oreeginate frae the Kabud Party, which wis the oreeginal Nazi Pairty o Iran that wis said tae hae been directly supportit bi Nazi Germany an later banned efter the Anglo-Soviet invasion o Iran in 1941, but remained covertly active.

Political pairties wi Nazi or fascist inclinations hae been banned in Iran since 1941. Since 1980, Iran haes hate creeme legislation which makes ony type o racist poleetical or social entities illegal.