Uiser:Soothrhins/Notability policy
This is a proponed policie, gideline, or method for the Scots Wikipedia. This page isna policie yet, but micht be suin. Hae a leuk o its claik page for tae find oot mair aboot it. |
Mind that Scots Wikipedia alsae haes a sindry policy for airticles needin a swith delete. |
On Scots Wikipedia, 'notability' is a pree uised bi editors to decide gif topics ar wirdy o thur ane airticle. Tak tent, that 'notability' on Scots Wikipedia is foondit regairdless o whit happens on ither Wikipedias.
Whit Scots Wikipedia is and is no
[eedit | eedit soorce] Scots Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia scrieved in the Scots leid wi a jennick souch.
Scots Wikipedia is no aboot descrivin meanins o wirds.
Scots Wikipedia is no aboot setten forth original pense.
Scots Wikipedia is no a pupit for promotin hings.
Scots Wikipedia is no a mirror or kist o airtins, images, or media.
Scots Wikipedia is no a blog, wab host, social netwirk or siklik.
Scots Wikipedia is no a inventar.
Scots Wikipedia is no a guidebuke, textbuke or science journal.
Scots Wikipedia is no for jalousin.
Scots Wikipedia is no a newspaper.
Scots Wikipedia is no a hatteral.
Scots Wikipedia is no a censor.
Ettlin for airticles
[eedit | eedit soorce]Airticles on Scots Wikipedia maun be:
[eedit | eedit soorce]- For topics or airticles ti be 'notable' thare maun be a wheen o soorces available that ar suithfast an sinder frae the topic itsel.
- At least twa references frae sindry soorces, nae connectit tae the topic in quaisten, is needit.
In braid Scots
[eedit | eedit soorce]- The prose o airticles sud be scrieved in braid Scots.
- Exemptiouns ti this (e.g. proper nouns) ar decidit in sindry policies or airticle collogues.
Capable o bein substantious
[eedit | eedit soorce]- If ye can anely scroll twa-three sentences anent a topic, it isnae 'notable' eneuch for its ane airticle.
- Topics sud kythe 'notability' throu scrollin o braid airticles afore sindry lane airticles are stairtit.
- Lik, ane paragraph on the newlin album o Lewis Capaldi shuid no be a new article, but eikit tae thair ane airticle an biggit up frae thare.
Speirin 'notability'
[eedit | eedit soorce]Topics an airticles no fulfillin the abuin standart will no be hained. Thay will aither be melled wi anither airticle or deletit.
If ye jalous that a topic or airticle isnae 'notable', ye shuid leuk for soorces yersel. If ye cannae dae that, or nane ar foond ye shuid:
- Speir the airticle creator ti provide soorces.
- Than eik a
tag ti mak ithers awaur. - Seiven days ar than gien ti provide soorces learin 'notability'.
- Syne, action maun be taen tae mell wi anither airticle or delete it.