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Uiser:Illandancient/Live sources of Scots text

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In order to build a corpus of contemporary Scots texts, live sources are required. This is ma wee list, by genre:-


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@mcfarlane_irene @IshbelMcF @RabMacPhoto @cligeey @JamieFairbairn1 @shaetlan_rose @the_gellick @StuartPoet @fittiecrooners @HazelTindall @DABArbuckle @DavidJWood2 @Angela1Sinclair @Doric_Bananaman @MartyMacMurtrie @Seperatist_No1 @iainnicol @billykayscot @rosa_alba_macd @Chazzbat @raiphsays @helenmoncrieff

Book publishers

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  • Itchy Coo - Maistly children's books, aye Scots
  • Luath - Some times Scots, sometimes English
  • Evertype - Books in a variety of minority languages and Scots dialects
  • Gracenote - Occasional Scots books


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  • Sheena Blackhall
  • Thomas Clark (Tammas Clark)