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Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge


  • t for the name in Tibetan characters
  • w for the transliteration of the Tibetan name according to Wylie romanisation
  • z for the spelling in the PRC's Tibetan Pinyin (Zangyu Pinyin)
  • l for the pronunciation in the Lhasa dialect, given in the International Phonetic Alphabet

At current, the only mandatory portion is that the formatting will be off if you don't include a value for t or w (use Template:bo-wo to include only the Tibetan Pinyin).

By default, the [[Tibetan]] link is directed to Tibetan alphabet. If you would like it to point to Tibetan language instead (which is appropriate if you are including a conventional spelling or anything else other than Tibetan alphabet), set lang to "yes" or "1".


'''Vimalamitra''' (''Drime Shenyen''; {{bo|t=དྲི་མེད་བཤེས་གཉེན་|w=dri-med bshes-gnyen|z=Chimê Xê'nyên|l=ʈʂʰìmeʔ ɕèɲẽ|lang=yes}})


Vimalamitra (Drime Shenyen; Tibetan: དྲི་མེད་བཤེས་གཉེན་Wylie: dri-med bshes-gnyen, ZYPY: Chimê Xê'nyên, Lhasa dialect IPA: ʈʂʰìmeʔ ɕèɲẽ)

See also

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