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Does onybody ken hou tae pit a picter in the main summary pairt o the airticle, like in the ither airticles? AndrewDJP 02:02, 7 Julie 2006 (UTC)[Replie]

Ye maun login, syne sneck on the airtin Uplaid File an follae the guidance. 09:35, 7 Julie 2006 (UTC)[Replie]

Gin the picturs in uise in anither Wikipedia, mibbes ye can uise it here. That's whit Ah did wi the Zoroastrianism an Sikhism pages, ken. Bazza.

Homosexuality is na a Scots wurd.

Whit wad be the Scots for thon cairy on than? A jalouse Homosexuality is aiblins pitten thegither fae the Greek an/or the Laitin sae it coud be threapit that its no English aither;-)
Bufties 18:23, 2 Juin 2007 (UTC)[Replie]
Ye micht no believe it but somebody haes suggestit that afore. Sae faur as A coud tell naebody wis lauchin then aither.
Jimmy 19:03, 2 Juin 2007 (UTC)[Replie]