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Subway (restaurant)

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Privately held company
GenreFast food
FoonditBridgeport, Connecticut, U.S. (August 28, 1965)
FoonderFred DeLuca an Peter Buck
HeidquartersMilford, Connecticut, U.S.
Nummer o locations
44,105 restaurants in 110 kintras[1]
Key fowk
Fred DeLuca (CEO)
Suzanne Greco (Preses)
Don Fertman (CDO)[2][3]
ProductsSubmarine sandwiches
Pizzas (some locations)
AwnerDoctor's Associates Inc.

Subway (stylised as SUBWAY) is an Americie fast fuid restaurant franchise that primarily sells submarine pieces (subs) an salads.


[eedit | eedit soorce]
  1. "Explore Our World". Subway.com. Archived frae the original on 30 December 2015. Retrieved 18 Juin 2015.
  2. "Don Fertman". Archived frae the original on 1 Februar 2014. Retrieved 17 August 2015.
  3. "Company Overview of Doctor's Associates Inc". Bloomberg L.P. Retrieved 15 Julie 2015.