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Nevada City, Nevada

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Nevada City is a ghaist toun in Churchill Coonty, Nevada, Unitit States, locatit juist east o Fallon, Nevada near the current intersection o State Route 116 an U.S. Highway 50. It wis foondit in 1916 as a socialist commonty kent as the Nevada Cooperative Colony, but due tae misleadin advertisin, mismanagement, an possibly dubious financial dealins bi the Nevada Colony Corporation's directors, who wur connectit wi the seemilar Llano del Rio colony near Los Angeles, the project faudit in 1919.[1] Anither contributin factor tae its demise wis the unpopularity o its anti-war poseetion durin Warld War I, which led tae bloodshed when Churchill Coonty Sheriff Mark Wildes attemptit tae reest colonist Paul Walters as a draft evader. Bi 1919 maist o the faimilies haed muivit awa an the colony fell intae receivership.[2]


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  1. Wilbur S Shepperson (1966). Retreat to Nevada: A socialist colony of World War I. University of Nevada Press.
  2. Russell R. Elliott (1987). History of Nevada. University of Nebraska Press. p. 238.

Coordinates: 39°26′15″N 118°40′17″W / 39.43750°N 118.67139°W / 39.43750; -118.67139