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Moka mey refer tae:

Places[eedit | eedit soorce]

Moka Destrict, a destrict in Mauritius whaur Moka is locatit
Moka Range, a muntain range north o Moka

Ither[eedit | eedit soorce]

  • Moka Akashiya, a character frae the anime/manga Rosario + Vampire
  • Moka exchynge, a giftin ritual that establishes social status amang the Kawelka o Papua New Guinea
  • Moka pot, a teep o coffee pot
  • MOKA, a 3D geometrical modeler based on a topological kernel
  • The Moka Bar, the first espresso bar in the Soho destrict o Lunnon, featurs in "The Electronic Revolution", an essay bi William S. Burroughs

See an aw[eedit | eedit soorce]