Module:Road data/strings/USA/IN

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
local IN = {}

IN.I = {shield = "I-%route%.svg",
        link = "Interstate %route% (Indiana)",
        abbr = "I-%route%",
        width = "expand"}

IN.US = {shield = "US %route%.svg",
         link = "U.S. Route %route% in Indiana",
         abbr = "US %route%",
         width = "expand"}

IN["US-Bus"] = {shield = IN.US.shield,
                link = "U.S. Route %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Indiana)",
                abbr = "Bus. US %route%",
                banner = "Business plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

IN["US-Truck"] = {shield = IN.US.shield,
                link = "U.S. Route %route% Truck ([dab||%dab%, |]Indiana)",
                abbr = "Truck US %route%",
                banner = "Truck plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

IN.SR = {shield = "Indiana %route%.svg",
         link = "Indiana State Road %route% [dab||(%dab%)|]",
         abbr = "SR %route%",
         width = "expand"}


IN["SR-Bus"] = {shield = "Indiana %route%.svg",
                link = "Indiana State Road %route% Business [dab||(%dab%)|]",
                abbr = "Bus. SR %route%",
                banner = "Business plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}


IN["SR-Truck"] = {shield = "Indiana %route%.svg",
                link = "Indiana State Road %route% Truck [dab||(%dab%)|]",
                abbr = "Truck SR %route%",
                banner = "Truck plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}


IN["IN 1940"] = {shield = "Indiana %route% (1940).svg",
                 link = "",
                 abbr = "SR %route%",
                 width = 14}

IN["SR 1940"] = IN["IN 1940"]

IN["IN old"] = {shield = "",
                link = "",
                abbr = "SR %route%"}

IN.Toll = {shield = "Indiana Toll Road logo 1968.svg",
           link = "Indiana Toll Road",
           abbr = "Indiana Toll Road"}

IN.ITR = IN.Toll

IN.Lincoln = {shield = "LincolnHighwayMarker.svg",
              link = "Lincoln Highway in Indiana",
              abbr = "Lincoln Highway",
              width = 14}

IN.National = {shield = "National Road Sign cropped.JPG", --should be improved
              link = "Naitional Road",
              abbr = "Historic National Road"}

IN.Dixie = {shield = "Dixie Highway marker.svg",
            link = "Dixie Highway",
            abbr = "Dixie Highway",
            width = 12}

IN.Tour = {shield = {default = "Great Lakes Circle Tour.svg",
                     LSCT = "Lake Superior Circle Tour.svg",
                     LMCT = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour.svg",
                     LHCT = "Lake Huron Circle Tour.svg",
                     LECT = "Lake Erie Circle Tour.svg",
                     ["LSCT-Spur"] = "Lake Superior Circle Tour brown.svg",
                     ["LMCT-Spur"] = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour brown.svg",
                     ["LHCT-Spur"] = "Lake Huron Circle Tour brown.svg"},
           link = {default = "Great Lakes Circle Tour",
                   LSCT = "Lake Superior Circle Tour",
                   LMCT = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour",
                   LHCT = "Lake Huron Circle Tour",
                   LECT = "Lake Erie Circle Tour",
                   ["LSCT-Spur"] = "Lake Superior Circle Tour",
                   ["LMCT-Spur"] = "Lake Michigan Circle Tour",
                   ["LHCT-Spur"] = "Lake Huron Circle Tour"},
           abbr = {default = "GLCT",
                   LSCT = "LSCT",
                   LMCT = "LMCT",
                   LHCT = "LHCT",
                   LECT = "LECT",
                   ["LSCT-Spur"] = "LSCT Spur",
                   ["LMCT-Spur"] = "LMCT Spur",
                   ["LHCT-Spur"] = "LHCT Spur"}

IN.CR = {shield = "CR %route% jct.svg",
         link = {["17"] = "[county|Elkhart|Coonty Road 17 (Elkhart Coonty, Indiana)|]",
                 default = ""},
         abbr = "CR %route%"}

IN.IL = {alias = {module = "USA/IL", type = "IL"}}

return IN