The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can. |
Lingueestics is the studie o leids n langage.
It is ae gey braid subject, encompassin:
- phonetics — the studie o the soonds o peoples langage
- phonologie — the studie o whit soonds is in indiveedual leids, hou thir soonds is pitten thegather tae form permitable wairds in thae leids
- morphologie — the studie o hou the "biggin-blocks" o wairds (prefixes, suffixes, verb endins...) is pitten thegather tae mak wairds or compoond-wairds
- syntax — the studie o hou wairds is pitten thegather tae mak sentances
- sociolingueestics — the studie o the function n effect o langage wiin wider societie, n the effect o societal facters oan langage n aw
- psycholingueestics — the studie o hou leids is perceeved wiin the harn
- historical lingueestics — the studie o the evolution o leids, n the ettle tae reconstruct leids o the bygane
N thaur's ither, smaaer fields o studie wiin the subject aes weel.
Lingueesteecs is maist aften taucht aes ae tertiarie level subject, that is at the varsitie, tho some o it micht be taucht in langage claisses at the hie schuil.
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