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Galata Touer

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Galata Tower
Galata Kulesi
The Galata Touer
Galata Touer is located in Istanbul
Galata Touer
Location in Istanbul
Coordinates41°01′32″N 28°58′27″E / 41.02563232°N 28.97415319°E / 41.02563232; 28.97415319Coordinates: 41°01′32″N 28°58′27″E / 41.02563232°N 28.97415319°E / 41.02563232; 28.97415319
LocationIstanbul, Turkey
Weenth16.54 m (54.3 ft)
Hicht66.9 m (219 ft)
Completion date1348 A.D.[1]

The Galata Touer (Galata Kulesi in Turkish) — cried Christea Turris (the Touer o Christ in Laitin) bi the Genoese — is a medieval stane touer in the Galata/Karaköy quarter o Istanbul, Turkey, juist tae the north o the Gowden Horn's junction wi the Bosphorus.


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  1. "Kara-Keui (Galata) and View of Pera, Constantinople, Turkey". World Digital Library. 1890–1900. Retrieved 18 October 2013.